Ginger ale? Is it good to sip ginger ale all day long when stomach bugs are prevalent? Thank you.?!

Question: My doctor's nurse always said to give my child ginger ale, 7 up or sprite. I guess it is milder on the tummy, and there is no caffeine either. Also she told me, if you are throwing up, to let the ginger ale go flat with lid ajar on it. This takes out the carnbonated bubbles that may upset your stomach. It will also keep you hydrated with fluids, if you are unable to eat and drink normally. Also fever will dehydrate you.

Answers: My doctor's nurse always said to give my child ginger ale, 7 up or sprite. I guess it is milder on the tummy, and there is no caffeine either. Also she told me, if you are throwing up, to let the ginger ale go flat with lid ajar on it. This takes out the carnbonated bubbles that may upset your stomach. It will also keep you hydrated with fluids, if you are unable to eat and drink normally. Also fever will dehydrate you.

Every time a have been sick since I was a little child, I always drink Ginger Ale. Slowly sipping on it all day long and trying to nibble on plain saltine crackers has always worked for me. I think it has more to do with keeping yourself hydrated. Me personally it does calm my stomach.

I've never heard of Ginger Ale having a preventative effect for stomach bugs. It was, and in some areas still is, used as an anti-nausea agent. Very good with a hangover!

Something carbonated will often help no matter what it is, if part of the problem is gas! Colas were used by pharmacists for many years for this purpose before they were ever sold as mainstream drinks.

Ginger does have especial stomach-soothing properties, however, especially for motion sickness and morning sickness. However, in order to get that effect, you'd have to drink ginger ale that actually has ginger in it! A lot of the more mainstream ginger ales no longer contain ginger extracts, only artificial flavors. Try going to a health food store or the organic section of your supermarket and you'll probably come across Reed's ginger ale, which is a good bet. :)

Ginger has also been used in the past as a 'tonic' or adaptogen, meaning that it helps to strengthen the body or prevent disease. While those effects are less well-documented, it isn't prudent to dismiss them entirely.

None of this is intended as medical advice, of course!

Hope that helps,


I don't mean to be hard or callous towards your question but look @ the ingredients in ginger ale. Unless it's a natural drink like from Whole Foods where they are using real ginger and not flavoring, here is NO ginger in those sodas.

To benefit from the effects of ginger for an upset stomach one needs to make some tea from the ginger root or powder or take ginger capsules.

absolutely helps, room temperature is the best way to drink it. stay away from all dairy products when you have a stomach bug.. clear broths like beef and chicken soup are the best...

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