Has anyone heard of R.I.F.E. and do you know if it works?!

Question: I heard of this and wondered if anyone knew anything about if it works (if you know someone who has had this done or if you have had it done with any results or no results please reply) thanks guys!

Answers: I heard of this and wondered if anyone knew anything about if it works (if you know someone who has had this done or if you have had it done with any results or no results please reply) thanks guys!

Its real.

You have to read about it to understand it, for those who are skeptical, that's why the questioner is requesting that people who have used it or have experience with it answer "only."

The history of the Universal R.I.F.E. machine and how ot works is truly interesting once you understand what shatters mal formed cells and viruses through vibrational frequencies. Its not wierd as the atom is not a particle, its made up of vibrational fequencies, so we are all vibrational energy.

That's why the analogy of good music makes us feel good and destructive music makes us feel bad. For example, during war times in a society, they become the most creative musically. Its an interesting phenominon but is an attempt to heal a sick society through our instinctive musical sense.

All I know is that the electron microscope cannot compare to what R.I.F.E. could see, so the destruction of it by the AMA who burned his lab and killed his partner set us back decades, just because they couldn't have it.

I know people who have had results with it and swear by it. I also believe you must also address supplementation with what is missing in our modern agriculatural practices along with the R.I.F.E. machine.

So, its both the inside and the outside of the body during this day and age in order to address prevention of disease, because the entire idea is to address the problem before you fall off the cliff, not after the fact when its often times too late.

My relative got cancer, and one of the top homeopaths in the US recommended her to get a rife machine.
It was somewhat hard to do, since the things are basically illegal (especially properly built ones), and we had to get one imported from south africa.
Once we got and started using it, her tumor dissapeared, and we started messing around with using it for it's other applications (ie. regeneratinig tissue). It "appears" to work, but I think we (me+family and friends) need to do more work/research with it to be certain. Since I'm somewhat of a scientist, I started looking up the theory.
Here's the idea.
All energy wave have 3 properties, frequency, intensity, and wave length. Frequency and wavelength are inversely related, so for any given type of energy, at a certain frequency it will correspond to a specific wavelength. In physics a concept of resonance frequencies exists which says that "if a certain wave length of energy is the correct size, it will fit into another objects structure (be it a bridge or a molecule of water), and when the object is exposed to energy at the "resonance frequency" (which is technically a resonance wavelength, but frequency is used since only it can be measured easily), the object stores the energy, instead of it passing through it (if you apply an energy imput to something, normally most of it passes through the object). Once too much energy has been stored, the object will start oscilatting and vibrating to release the stored energy.
When a virus or a pathogen vibrates like this, due to it's structure, it's cellular membrane ruptures and it dies. The same is true for cancer cells. "Non" living things do not like movement basically.
Human body tissue is "dynamic" and likes to move around a lot (this is a base principle in a lot of eastern medicine principles), so when human cells store energy they start vibrating and become happy, and things such as tissue regeneration occur.
Dr. Rife spent a lot of time in a lab with a really advanced microscope trying to isolate pathogens for a lot of diseases, and then figure out the resonance frequency of energy that killed them. This data was then programmed into the machine and used for health applications.
There are a few "frequencies" which are actually extremely bad for humans and "will kill them." Most existing devices have saftey features that prevent these from being activated.
Anyhow, that's the whole theory the devices are founded on. When I have more time I'm going to study it more, and my parents said they'd buy me one as a college graduation present. If the entire theory of them is correct (which I believe but am not certain), then it means a completely different type of medicine could be utililized to cure a lot of problems. That might be why this stuff was never allowed to see the light of day.

Additional Notes:
a) Rife used light discharge tubes (which are probably better, but more expensive/difficult to make. Most available devices like mine use electricity).
b) Rife machines can also be used to diagnose problems, since if a frequency is ran through a system, and it "resonates with something" the frequency is impeded. So, a device quickly runs all the available frequencies through someone, finds which frequencies created a resonance, and then looks up the pathogens associated with those frequencies. It's a very effective diagnostic tool that makes it possible to detect normally difficult to detect things.
c) The third charactaristic "intestity" normally is expressed as amplitude. Generally when using the machines, a high amplitued is a bad idea, and you're better off doing a lower one for long period.

Sorry that was long, but I hope this helps!

I posted an answer before,but I don`t see my answer.Check out the lyme and rife yahoo group.Also the autism biomed groups.There are people on there that are doing this stuff.Some of the groups are reversingautism,enzymesandautism,mb12val...

My mother in law is a RIFE certified therapist, and she has had success in treating people with ulcers and cancer. It is worth a shot for sure.

I know it doesn't work. It is just ridiculous nonsense meant to suck money from gullible fools.

PT Barnum was right.

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