Has anyone hear of alkaline healing water?!

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Yes, the devices to make it are very common in japan.
Basically the theory is that all the junk we eat in our western diets promotes an acidification of the system, and when you body is acidic (as opposed to alkanline), viruses/cancer have an easy time growing, and your general healthh/immune system is compromised.

Acids and bases react one to one to cancel each other out into water. Alkaline water makes bases that get rid of the acid, and restore your correct pH.
Someone I know got cancer and bought a device, and it seems to have helped her a lot. The water tastes a bit funny though.
Hope that helps!

Never heard of it.

Yeah, the most popular one in Japan is Kangen.

HYDROTHERAPY, HYDROPATHY, HYDROTHERAPEUTICS, AND WATER THERAPY: The water cure; a mode of treating diseases by copious and frequent use of water, both internally and externally

Ionized ozonated charcoal filtered water is supposed to be the best kind of negative ion alkaline drinking water.

Personally I prefer pure lab produced water that is only H2O and nothing else - but they say that that is only good for removing poisons from the body in the short term, and should not be taken long term - but I feel best when I drink this type of water over anything else.

Kangen will be sold in the US soon if its not already, and if you want to make your own look for a Water Ionization system that uses charcoal filtering.

I believe that you are talking about addressing a pH imbalance, correct? I have not heard of "alkaline healing water", as such, unless you mean adding alkaline salts to water. If this is the case, it does work, as I can personally attest to- I had a metabolic disorder last year that resulted in severe acidosis- the pH of my saliva was 5.5, which is nearly 100 times more acidic than normal. It took awhile, and some dietary changes also, but the pH salts helped.

Please, for the love of balance, read this website. Just for the record, I have no affiliation with it, but you should really get all sides of a story before making a decision about using that kind of product. It's done by a retired faculty member of Simon Fraser University.

Yes, Alkaline water is more readily absorbed by the body and since the body is primarily water this causes healing through out the body.

The reason you want the water alkaline, beyond the absorbtion issue is that most of us are challenged to eat a diet that is on a more alkaline side and it is well known that cancer and other germs do not live in an alkaline body.

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