What can you do in place of high blood pressure medicine?!

Question: I can't afford to refill my high blood pressure medicine until Thursday. Any ideas to help lower it until then? I ran out two days ago and am experiencing simptoms (i.e. ringing in the ears, sleeplessness.)

Answers: I can't afford to refill my high blood pressure medicine until Thursday. Any ideas to help lower it until then? I ran out two days ago and am experiencing simptoms (i.e. ringing in the ears, sleeplessness.)

Do water therapy. Drink four glasses of water upon waking up. Then brush your teeth. After 45 minutes, you can take your breakfast for fifteen minutes and do not eat or drink anything for the next two hours every meal for 30days. It is also a cure for constipation and diabetes.

Hawthorne Berry tea, or capsules, regulates blood pressure, if it's too high, it brings it down, and if it's too low it brings it up. any drug store or herb store. Also Lecithin, omega 3 fish oil gelcaps.

If your bp is greater than 140/90 then there is nothing but meds to lower it.

Go to the doctor and get samples or ask the pharmacist if you can buy just 2 or 3 pills. I waited too long and passed out on the floor!

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