What are Zanies Pills?!

Question: I know that Zanies are a little blue pill. Not like Viagra, this is a street drug found in urban communities. I would really like to know what a Zanie is and the side effects of taking one. Please only answer this if you really know what it is or have taken one, because I feel that my daughter is using them, but I don't know what it is other than I know it's blue. Please help? Thank you.

Answers: I know that Zanies are a little blue pill. Not like Viagra, this is a street drug found in urban communities. I would really like to know what a Zanie is and the side effects of taking one. Please only answer this if you really know what it is or have taken one, because I feel that my daughter is using them, but I don't know what it is other than I know it's blue. Please help? Thank you.

THEy are the devil!!!!

I'm not sure if this is exactly it, but there is a drug called Xanax (trade name for alprazolam) that is in the same drug class as Valium. It is a depressant usually used for panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder, but may be abused as it can produce sedation, and euphoria. At higher doses, it can cause "blacking out" and with prolonged use, physical and psychological dependence.


is an anxiolytics, they can be effective in alleviating anxiety states.

side effects are drowsiness and lightheadedness the next day, confusion and ataxia, amnesia, dependence, paradoxical increase in aggression, muscle weakness, headache, vertigo, hypotension, salivation changes, gstro- intestinal disturbances, visual disturbances, dysarthria, tremor and urinary retention,

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