Is it true that cranberry juice can cure bladder infections?!

Question: someone told me that high acid cranberry juice can controls harmful bacteria. is it true... any side effects?

Answers: someone told me that high acid cranberry juice can controls harmful bacteria. is it true... any side effects?

The short answer is no. Cranberry Juice can prevent a bladder or kidney infection but can not cure one.

Cranberry prevent the e.coli bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. It is flushed out with normal urination.

Cranberry tablets or capsules are much better than cranberry juice. The part of the cranberry that prevents the bacteria from adhering is concentrated. Also there is no sugar in the tablets or capsules.

I don't know if it cures but it certainly is good for the bladder. Also, I know of no side effects meaning I've never had any.

Cranberry juice does help bladder but I would say that totally cures it. There is no side effects from drinking cranberry juice unless you are allergic to cranberries.

Yes it can help. also add lemon pure juice. And no , you won't get side effects from juices. Don't forget to take acidophillus pills as well to restore your flora. Good luck.

No it does not CURE bladder infections. It can help to cleanse the bladder and kidneys while your treating an infection. It is also a healthy way to keep your urinary tract functioning.

Nope this is not will make the side effects of a bladder infection a little less noticeable...but the only thing that will CURE a bladder infection is antibiotics...

It won't cure it, it will however make your symptoms less noticeable. If you have a UTI you need antibiotics otherwise it could turn into a kidney infection.

Cranberry juice doesn't "cure" bladder infections but it can alleviate some of the "painful burning" during urination.
Cranberry juice changes the pH of urine making urine inhospitable to bacteria growth. Urinary track infections cause inflammation of the bladder and that can lead to bleeding or "peeing blood" and pus---which are irritants which just prolong the cycle of pain.
Please do see a doctor for this as they are usually easily cured with antibiotics. Left untreated, you can progress to a Kidney infection and then worse case scenario, total body "Blood Sepsis".

Do drink the Cranberry Juice and lots of Water to "flush out" your system. Neither have any side effects unless you are allergic to Cranberry.
Hope you feel better.

It cleanses your bladder.

It actually good to drink to PREVENT bladder infections but once you have one then you should really go see a doctor and have some antibiotics. If not, then it could really cause serious problems.......

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