What is the fastest way to get rid of a sinus infection/sore throat?!

Question: i am looking for the best natural remedies

Answers: i am looking for the best natural remedies

LOTS of zinc with eucenea chewable lozenges. the best in my experience come from GNC. if you get the cheap brands, they wont help. the GNC ones cost about $9 for 48 lozenges, but they always get rid of my cold. you should take about 4-6 daily. also get some vitamin C's or drink fresh orange juice, or even better, eat oranges.

also, blow your nose several times, or smother coconut/olive oil onto a q-tip and stick up your nose. then take a cup of warm water and tilt your head back while letting the water get into your nose. it sounds silly but it gives you a relief. you have to do this several times.

also you can gargle with mouthwash, salt water, peroxide, etc. hope that helps. you can also google natural cold remedies for more stuff.

Try flushing out your sinuses to get rid of the gunk.

Have tons of chicken soup made with lots and lots of garlic.

Gargle with warm sea salt water.


If you are near the beach and it is not too cold, go to the beach and soak up the sun.

Wash your hands often.

You get the idea...

If all else fails, get some antibiotics.

Good luck with natural remedies like salt water flushing, hot tea, echinacea, or whatever. The truly fastest and least painful way is with a good antibiotic. See your doctor now.

Burn the body. This treatment has some negative side effects. But its speed is unquestionably impressive. For best results, coat the body in gasoline before you burn it.

I don't know anything about sinus. But for sore throat, what I do is I drink lots of fluid and sometimes drink warm water or warm lemonade as well. I'm not talking about 8 glasses of water in a day...I drink more than that. Though you have to expect going to the bathroom more than usual since you're drinking lots and lots of water! Hahaha!

Vit. C, rest, and a nice steamed bath. If that doesn't work, get off the couch and go to the doctors. They will perscribe you with meds and it'll be gone quickly. Don't wait, or you'll suffer for longer than you think. It doesn't just go away on it's own.

Nettie pot to rinse the sinuses, gets the snot out and the germs, dead or other wise.

Chicken soup is Jewish Penicillin. contains some flavenoids that protect the good germs from the bad ones.

My favorite! Hot tea with frozen orange juice and honey! Add a huge scoop of juice solid to the pot, honey to taste for the sore throat, and drink the whole thing. Repeat. Lots of fluids and natures germ fighters! Tasty too, and it soothes!

Get some Zinc tablets.....take 2 in the morning 2 in the afternoon, and 2 at night for a few days....It will help out tremendously!

Drink lots of water

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