Emotions and health, have you personal experience with this subject.?!

Question: I believe in the connection between health & mind, but sometimes I think, is this caused by my emotions or is it something I ate!

Not had sinus problems for 35 years. This last week I have become quite sick with Sinus infection, after such a long time without it.
I looked for a connection, re my emotions, and came up with a surprising answer.

I have been on Yahoo Answers, since July I, I think, and in the category R&S I have become more frustrated and irrated than I have been in a long time. In fact the more times I entered that category and read some of the judgemental and prejudiced remarks, I have been getting MORE frustrated.
There is a connection between getting VERY
frustrated and irritated,& my sinus problems. I started, first of all getting headaches, which in itself is unusual for me. Then, shall we say, at the peak of my irritation I received a strong sinus infection. Most positive have checked out of this sight but I am determined to stay. Comments?

Answers: I believe in the connection between health & mind, but sometimes I think, is this caused by my emotions or is it something I ate!

Not had sinus problems for 35 years. This last week I have become quite sick with Sinus infection, after such a long time without it.
I looked for a connection, re my emotions, and came up with a surprising answer.

I have been on Yahoo Answers, since July I, I think, and in the category R&S I have become more frustrated and irrated than I have been in a long time. In fact the more times I entered that category and read some of the judgemental and prejudiced remarks, I have been getting MORE frustrated.
There is a connection between getting VERY
frustrated and irritated,& my sinus problems. I started, first of all getting headaches, which in itself is unusual for me. Then, shall we say, at the peak of my irritation I received a strong sinus infection. Most positive have checked out of this sight but I am determined to stay. Comments?

the connection of emotions to physical health can be VERY strong....but it can be easily reversed.....this is a brief, rough idea of the toggle, or Cognitive Polarity Transformation...Laurie Heusinger (my very sexy ex-y) is the foremost expert on this.....you dig up something that gets you very mad (or frustrated, or sad....whatever emotion you want to deal with)....let it boil up.....while it's stewing, think of something positive you'd like to have happen (in this case, your sinus infection going away)...when it's really strong, forget about the trigger...and concentrate on all the energy this emotion brought up...some people picture it as a bright ball, like a sun.....but now, you simply "Toggle it".....flip the switch, and this ball of energy becomes healing energy...yeah yeah, I brushed it off as bs at first too...but if you're open minded enough to try, well, you tell me if it works or not.....best wishes -Rob;o)

First, I certainly believe that there is a definate connection, at times, between emotions and health. Well documented too. One man I know said that often his emotions will actually tell him that he might be about to get sick. This is actually sort of a reverse idea about the emotion/physical health relationship! Most people that believe this stuff realize that emotions can make us sick, such as breaking up with a lover. We break up, are heartbroken, feel totally "down", and then the body's defensives for some reason are lower, thus making us prone to sickness.

But the reverse would be that I feel emotionally down or easily irritated, and then comes a cold or worse. It might be the the irritation is causing the sickness or that the sickness that's already there is first hitting my emotions before attacking my body.

I have also learned to ask myself when I am feeling emotionally off balance whether I am simply tired or hungry. Also, lonliness and anger can also make us sick.

Also, just being on the computer can cause us headaches, especially when you combine the length of being on here with the affects of reading some of the writings that are often quite annoying, angering, or just plain dumb.

There is some connection, but not as much as some people put into it.
Stress can have a huge impact on overall health, and many emotions that are close to stress can have similar effects. Anger can increase your blood pressure (sometimes causing heart attacks), being happy has a positive effect (lower blood pressure, more energy, etc)..... emotions that are close to those do have impacts on blood pressure and overall stress.

When many people are under more stress, their immune systems get taxed and can't work as efficiently. Some people get really sick when they get stressed, but usually those are the people with weaker immune systems to start with.
Sinus pressure can lead to headaches very easily (I've had a few myself).

Now, if you got a sinus infection after being stressed and frustrated, you may very well have a weak or broken down immune system. If you'd like, there are several natural products that can help to boost the immune system. There's Colostrum, mushrooms (Reishi, Maitake, and Shiitake), Elderberry, Echinacea (which should not be taken long-term), Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP-6), CoQ10, any basic antioxidants, and many other things that are less powerful, but still give some impact.
Good luck!

You should try not to let the comments get to you emotionally...all you can do is say your piece and let it go...you can't stop all the judgemental and prejudiced people from having their say....or thinking the way that they think, just have your say and hope it reaches at least one person. Hope for the day when most people realize that it matters not what religion you follow or what race you are, what really matters is how we treat other people.

Stress is a proven factor in lowered immune function. Many people get seriously ill after prolonged periods of stress, including many cancer patients I know. I think emotions are all part of the stress picture.
However, I don't believe people who say that you somehow cause your illness with negative emotions. I think this is a bunch of garbage, and certainly an insult to any person who really is ill.
Also, there was a recent statistical study that indicated that people who are pessemistic live LONGER than those who are optomistic! Probably because they go to the Doctor when they have a weird symptom instead of stupidly thinking they can wish it away.
PS: Was not to be taken personally, just my opinions.

There's a branch of medicine called psychophysiological medicine that studies all of this. I'm also very familar with the Taoist perspective on it (emotions affect your chi, chi affects your body, therefore bad emotions indirectly cause damage to body).

Here are some specific case examples.
A friend of mine who was abused and has worn glasses for their life had a mental dissociation where they flashed back to their trauma (without being conscious of it), and 30 minutes passed without them realizing it. When they came to, they went to get some tea, and suddenly noticed their vision had returned (which had not happened throughout their whole life), and asked me about it. I came up with a few models, and asked around. Eventually I found out psycologists are fairly aware that if someone has really bad abuse in their past, and they fix it, it can result in all these weird physical problems they had, especially loss of vision and hearing, return. Hence, we concluded the need for glasses was directly caused by emotional abuse in childhood.

Another example, I know many people who are full of rage and hatred for other people, and their bodies are slowly dying. I ran into a doctor from england a week ago who told me some guy named David Icke (he's well known in the conspiracy theorist circles) destroyed his body because he was so angry at the world for all its evils, and has started shifting his focus towards spirituality and his health is coming back.

Another example, I know cancer doctors who have worked with terminal cancer patients, and they told me nearly every single regression they observe always coincides with the person resolving a past emotional trauma. I can refer you to a book with case studies.

I'm fairy biased on this whole issue since I hold the Daoist perspective and I can feel how emotions are just a type of energy that runs through and effects your body. There are many other schools, such as psychophysiology that explain biochemically what's going on, but regardless of where you end up, while they have varying techincal points, all agree that a negative emotional outlook coincides with the body losing homeostasis, and thus getting health problems.

Hope that was a good answer! I tried to make it concise :P

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