Best way to increase Serotonin in the brain?!

Question: Hi, I read that Trytophan is needed in the brain to convert to Serotonin to improve anxiety and create a balance of the 3 major brain chemicals, some say that eating Tryrophan rich foods like bananas would do the job but others say that these foods contain other amino acids that would compete in crossing the blood brain barrier to get to the brain, i also read that Trytophan supplements will soon be available in this country and are seen as the best solution taking just a low 500mg dose, thus crossing that barrier and increasing serotonin levels, any news or info on this topic...?

Diet or supplements? best way to build it up?

Answers: Hi, I read that Trytophan is needed in the brain to convert to Serotonin to improve anxiety and create a balance of the 3 major brain chemicals, some say that eating Tryrophan rich foods like bananas would do the job but others say that these foods contain other amino acids that would compete in crossing the blood brain barrier to get to the brain, i also read that Trytophan supplements will soon be available in this country and are seen as the best solution taking just a low 500mg dose, thus crossing that barrier and increasing serotonin levels, any news or info on this topic...?

Diet or supplements? best way to build it up?

Hi Davey Babe <smile>

Take heart... you are doing everything that you possibly can to maintain optimum health and fitness, thus helping yourself towards recovery. Just be patient with yourself.

In addition to eating a healthy balanced diet and meditation, have you tried complementary therapies, such a Swedish Body Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage? These can also help to raise serotonin levels, reduce stress levels and bring about a sense of well-being.

Tai Chi is very good for the mind and also helps to raise energy levels (Self-healing through movement). Or how about joining a multi-gym?

Some people naturally have more energy than others. It may well be that you are trying to push yourself too hard thus going beyond your limitations. Sometimes you just have to accept yourself as you are. It may be that you have to change your whole lifestyle, seek a new way of life, in addition to eating a healthy balanced diet.

Persevere and you will get there... sometimes it may well feel as though you are taking two steps forwards and one step backwards, but it is still a step forwards. Sometimes progress will seem slow, nonetheless, progress is still progress.

Your spirit is good, it is strong.

Take care of yourself. Oh! And go get that tattoo!!! <smile>

Blessings and Love x

Hot curries.

And exercise.

Mother nature knows best. A raw food diet and plenty of sexercise cannot be beaten.

I think chocolate is a good way to go!

"Chocolate also contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid. It is the rate-limiting step in the production of the mood-modulating neurotransmitter serotonin."

If you take Extasty or X, the drug, it releases alot of it and makes you feel really good.

actually eating any food is goin to increase the levels also sexual activity.... you body has a rewards systemset up

Go to GNC and ask if they have the supplements available now.

HOW TO INCREASE Serotonin, Naturally!!!
5-HTP supplement for sale -- a natural serotonin precursor
Plus: Mind Power Rx for healthy brain and mood support
Plus: Good Night Rx, natural herbal sleep aid

Subscribe to a FREE Supplement Research Update newsletter. Twice a month we email a brief abstract of several studies on various supplements and natural medicine topics, including serotonin research, and their practical interpretation by Ray Sahelian, M.D., author of Mind Boosters. This link leads to an index of more than 300 natural medicine topics

Serotonin happens to be the most widely studied neurotransmitter since it helps regulate a vast range of psychological and biological functions. Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) was first identified in 1948. The wide extent of psychological functions regulated by serotonin involves mood, anxiety, arousal, aggression, impulse control, and thinking abilities. Other brain chemicals, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, also influence mood and arousal. However, serotonin generally has different effects. For instance, excess amounts of serotonin cause relaxation, sedation, and a decrease in sexual drive. Serotonin deficiency is associated with low mood, lack of will power, and poor appetite control.
Disruption of the normal functioning of the serotonin system leads to a number of psychiatric conditions, which include anxiety disorders, depression, improper social behavior, and sexual aberrations. Common medical conditions associated with disruption of the serotonin system include disturbance in the sleep-wake cycle, obesity or eating disorders, and chronic pain.

Formation of Serotonin
The figure below shows tryptophan converting into 5-HTP, which then readily converts into serotonin. Once serotonin is made, the pineal gland is able to convert it at night into melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Vitamin B6 is involved in the process of serotonin formation.

the supplement 5-htp is said to do this.

Serotonin rich foods are carbohydrate based stuff like, pasta, starchy vegetables, potatoes, cereals, breads. Chocolate being another obvious one... not very "South Beach" so don't ever do it.
Honestly, the best thing you can do is exercise. Even a light yoga or pilates session will not only increase serotonin in your brain, but it will also help you sleep better!
Hope that helps!


Its great to see you doing the research. I was just like you around 4 years ago,searching for all the answers to increase mood- I tried all the antidepressants and herbs, foods, supplements.

Let me advise that you first of all try and adress the anxieties, the problems in your life and your mental processess otr even trauma which may be creating the low mood in the first place. This "happiness" level can be REWIRED, I had to seek the help of a REBT-NLP therapist though. I hope I havent put you to sleep or scared you off yet!

To my knowledge Trytophan is already available, (though I amy be wrong), St Johns wort,Rhodiola Rosea, Strong cheeses, Turkey, bannanas and Oats are all foods which aid serotonin synthesis. Try and combine SLOW acting carbs with 30% protein such as 70% Jacket potato with tune or turkey. This also slows blood sugar levels down from rising and lowering and creating bad moods.
The book "Food and Mood" by Amanda Geary is a book which looks directly at food and mood and depression and anxiety. It should be on Amazon.

Cut down or even eliminate caffeine- it wont be missed after a while

Cut down or eliminate alcohol- it is a depressant in the long term and dehdrates the body, hence decreasing electrical conductivity in the brain and body and making it hard for serotonin signals to work if they are laready weaker.

You might also want to use "hemi-sync" relaxation CDs which actually slow the brainwaves of the brain down and these are available at . try googling "hemi-sync " and "binaural beats" seeing the evidence for yourslef.This may help the body to stop releasing the stress chemicals which attack and deplete the "confident" chemicals, and promotes feelings of relaxation. They really help me.

Now, I was highyl skeptical of EFT ( where you can download a free instruction manual) until a therapist recommended it - who was not a quack!) This system is thought to adress the energy disturbances creating the imbalance in the body. I was ***highly** skeptical until I tried it and hell did it work for pains,migraines, energy in fact its helped me all around including anxiety and paranoid feelings. YouTube has lots of example videos if you cannot see a therapist that works in all these areas.

Excercise releases serotonin and dopamine through the body releasing endorphins (endogenous morphine) (yummmy!) 30 mins of medium paced swimming is good for your heart, mind and body and does not damage your joint slike jogging for example. Also, HOT CURRIES with chilli peppers in them , such as Madras and Jalfrezi have a chemical which releases endorphins and can help the blues.

There is also CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and REBT (rational emotive behavioural therapy) ; these books are widely available on these approaches to mental health and therefore better functioning mood. David Burns and Windy Dryden are great authors on helping us to adress lowmood and anxiety. Its great to have some control over such issues without having to resort to pills and magic potions. Of course, if both are combined, then the results can be potentially dramatic.

I hope these few words may be of some use, I know how bad it can be feeling so low and frustrated. I have recommended some foods that I hope you can include in your diet. Beware that too much can even aggrovate or even CAUSE depression. I hope I havent over-pyschologised the answers you were looking for, Ive just tried to help with the very best of my knowledge and provide you with cutting edge info.

Very Best Wishes

Well, Ecstacy is the drug that increases the biggest amount of serotonin in the brain compared to opther drugs

As well as Tryptophan, you need vitamin b-6 and especially Magnesium to produce seotonin. Many people are chronically deficient in Mg, and it won't show up in a blood test- Mg is vital to over 300 important functions, so your body will leach it out of your tissues to maintain the correct plasma level- same as when your body takes calcium out of your bones, and over time you can develop osteoporosis. So you can have a normal plasma reading of magnesium, but your intracellular level could be dangerously low- I know beacause this almost killed me last year. Eat lots of leafy greens. Get the book "The Miracleof Magnesium", or look updeficiency online- you'll be amazed...

Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. I have too little serotonin, apparantly. St John's Wort is the natural approach.

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