Lots of headace and will not go away way .?!

Question: seeing stars and vrt weak and dizzeness

Answers: seeing stars and vrt weak and dizzeness

maybe you can get an MRI done to see? although be careful and get several second opinions, because not all doctors are good at diagnosing. what do you FEEL like it is? usually I go with my gut instinct..then I search it up on google, and read more about the symptoms before I visit the doctor to have it checked out. mention what you think it could be to your doctor, so they can test you for it.

it could be jaw problems, sinus infection, tumor, etc. so you will have to look up these types of illnesses and see which one matches your symptoms best.

Think brain tumor. See a physician.

Go see a dr. You're either experiencing something neurological with your brain or you're having migraines.

TX Mom
not an expert

u need to go to the hospital and get your head checked out. . .

Make sure it is not high blood pressure causing it! Cut the salt intake and have a banana.

you probably need to see a doctor!! how long has this been going on?!?! See a doctor DEFINITELY. other than that, lay down, drink some water, take some asprin, massage your head.

Could be symptoms of a stroke or ruptured aneurism . A migraine is a mini-stroke. Get hydrated with lots of water, and get to the emergency room ASAP! Dehydration will cause weakness and dizziness, but there is not time to waste. Headaches are caused by constriction of blood vessels resulting in oxygen starvation, which kills brain cells.

What kind of headache is it?
Is it frontal?
Is it worse 1st thing in the morning?
Does it get worse when you flex your head forward?
Any vomiting or Nausea?
Is your co-ordination affected?

If you have answered yes to any of these its a sign of raised intercranial pressure and you should get it looked at by a physician immediately.

Dizziness and vertigo can occur for many benign reasons so is often not serious however it needs to be looked at because occasionally IT IS SERIOUS.

I don't want to worry you unduely but you should get it looked at.

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