Would someone who had bells palsy tell ME a quick cure?!

Question: bernie s

Answers: bernie s

Prednisolone does quicken recovery, but often it still requires time and physiotherapy I am afraid.

I don't believe there is one but at least it is temporary.

to be effective in treating Bell's palsy, prednisolone must be started within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms. Otherwise, one must just wait the symptoms out. In about 27% of cases the paralysis is permanent.

Is two weeks quick? See an acupuncture specialist. And drink lots of lactose-free milk.

my ex suffered with that,I know it sounds horrible but he reminded me of Popeye when he laughed,but he had treatment where they put this thing on his face which gave a tingly feeling so try a massage thing but I think you should or probably have to go to the doctors,I don't know if theres a quick cure but good luck

there isn't a quick cure, but what my nan found helped was acupuncture.

You probably stand a better chance if you know the cause of it-then a doctor would decide the best treatment.

If not diagnosed really quickly there is no quick fix. Luckily my face returned to normal after about 4 weeks, however if I have too much to drink my lip drops slightly.

Homoeopathy - works like a miracle. If the condition has just come on - Aconite 200c every hour for 3 hours & then 4 hourly until improvement sets in
If the left side of the face is affected - causticum 200c every hour for 3 hours & then 4 hourly until improvement sets in.
Right side of the face - cadmium sulph 30c 3 times as day for 10 days.
Chances are, you won't be able to get hold of these remedies in which case, look up your local homoeopath who will be able to help you obtain these or give further advice. Homoeopathy has sorted this condition out very quickly in every case I've treated. Best wishes

There is no quick recovery. The fascial nerve needs time to recover. As Dr Frank says a steoid is useful in the early days but you can't cure it quickly.
A fascial stimulator helps maintain the muscles and encourges recovery. Use one along side an exercise program and you will be encourged by your progress. Your NHS Physios will sort you out.

There is no quick cure I'm afraid. Sorry.

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