Please help! Does anyone know a way to get rid of a cold/flu?!

Question: I've had this cold for a few days and today I am a little better than yesterday. Is there any way to speed up the recovery process?
I need to get well by tomorrow, big job interview!!

Answers: I've had this cold for a few days and today I am a little better than yesterday. Is there any way to speed up the recovery process?
I need to get well by tomorrow, big job interview!!

There is no cure for the common cold and it's unlikely that you have full blown flu or you would be in bed with a high temperature. Just take paracetamol and the symptoms will be reduced - hopefully to get yourself out for the interview - but tell them that you have not been well so they know the red nose is not due to too much alcohol!!

hi. I always drinks lots of fresh oranges/ juice. Make sure you get a lot of vitamin C. Also I take paracetamol if the symptoms are intolerable.

i got the fluuu =[ really bad now! newayz i drink lemsip max everynight before i go to bed and when i wake up it may not taste good! but hey it helps my nose unblock so i can breath! lol u can buy it from tesco for like a 2 pounds and it shuld help!!

Echinacea tablets and take ginger daily to keep them away

Colloidal Silver. It should be available there. It is a natural antibiotic and should have you on your way to recovery quicker.

This is not an answer to your question, more of how to avoid it in the first place.
I am 73 years old and have never had a cold or flu in my life.

When I was very young my mother had me take one Halibut oil capsule every day, I have been taking them ever since, I managed Supermarkets all my life and was exposed to all sorts of hazards, sneezing and coughing customers and staff, in and out cooling rooms and deep freezers, handling soiled banknotes and coins, but still never got the flu or a cold.
Even when a lot of my staff were off work due to colds and flu.
So I can't advise on how to get rid of a cold or flu as I have never had one.
Maybe I'm just lucky, but I still take the capsules and don't take chance's.

Sorry, you're stuck with it. You can only take things that slightly relieve the symptoms, there are many of these on the market. No matter what you do, a cold or the 'flu has to run it's time. Hope you are soon over it ,best wishes to you !

Hit up a red wine and add honey to it. Wine should be hot but not boiling. It's a yummy way to get healthy again.

This is what you need to do:
Boil water and pour it into a bowl, then add peppermint oil and put a towel around and inhale the hot steam. Repeat every two hour or so.
It's almost the same your body is doing when you got a fever, it increases the temperature to kill off the influenza.
The hot steam also leaves your skin moist and soft, getting rid of the redness for your interview tomorrow.
Another old trick to keep up your sleeve is whisky mixed with hot water (not boiling) and add honey.
A speedy recovery.

Purple coneflower tincture! Take some vitamin C too. My grandma takes it to fight off cold because she works as a teacher.

Pump up on your vitamin C intake ie: eat more foods rich in this vitamin - citrus fruits, berries, green and leafy vegies, tomatoes, cantaloupe, cauliflower, potatoes and green and red peppers.

Vitamin C will aid in preventing many types of viral and bacterial infections and generally bolster your immune system.

Take a Vitamin C supplement also - the best vitamin C supplement is one that contains the complete C complex of bioflavonoids, hesperidin and rutin (sometimes labelled citrus salts) .................. the bioflavonoids in the C supplement make Vitamin C 10 times more effective.
Also, try to get a vitamin C supplement containing Zinc as this will ensure effective assimilation of vitamin C and ensure maximum effectiveness.

Rosehips tea is the richest known source of Vitamin C and will also help speed your recovery.

Seriously, take 3 - 4000mg (3 - 4 teaspoons) of this powder daily and notice dramatic improvement!!

Drink loads of fresh filtered water, ensure you are also taking a good multi B complex supplement including all the B's - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 - also as the B complex of vitamins is essential for a healthy immune, nervous and digestive system. As the B complex is a water soluble group of vitamins our bodies can neither store or produce them, we therefore need to ingest them on a daily basis............... the B complex will assist your body deal with the extra stress it is being placed under with the cold you have and speed the healing process.


triaminic...really workd...

You will have to just let it run it's course am afraid ,theres no cure sorry .

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