Pro's and con's of fasting?!

Question: When you fast, you must drink a lot of water. Becoming dehydrated is dangerous. Fasting is a great way to reset you body's digestive system and detox your liver. A fast can last for a day or two, or you can go on, what is called by Christians, a Daniel Fast, named for Daniel of Daniel and the Lion's Den. This is a longer term fast, lasting up to 30 days, where you eat no meat, no dairy, and no bread. You would pretty much eat only veggies and fruit and drink a alot of water. Good to do, but I wouldn't go over 30 days, maybe a week.

The cons: You are going to get VERY VERY hungry!!!.

Answers: When you fast, you must drink a lot of water. Becoming dehydrated is dangerous. Fasting is a great way to reset you body's digestive system and detox your liver. A fast can last for a day or two, or you can go on, what is called by Christians, a Daniel Fast, named for Daniel of Daniel and the Lion's Den. This is a longer term fast, lasting up to 30 days, where you eat no meat, no dairy, and no bread. You would pretty much eat only veggies and fruit and drink a alot of water. Good to do, but I wouldn't go over 30 days, maybe a week.

The cons: You are going to get VERY VERY hungry!!!.

youll die.

Your body thinks it is starving so when you eat again it will slow your metabolism and store away energy "fats" lose weight're hungry

It throws your health clock off target (blood sugar imbalance and dehydration). I would not recommend it although people do it during Ramadan.

If you are trying to lose weight than you still need to eat throughout the day. Keep it to small meals and also start exercising.

If you can't exercise than just have lot's of sex.

Fasting isn't good for you body and it's a very unhealthy way of dieting and losing weight. If you want to be thinner or more fit you should try working out at the gym and keeping yourself on your toes by being busy. Or you could try a healthy diet or weight loss supplement.
But hunny, if you want to be thinner don't fast. No good things come from it. :)))))
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I'm a muslim and i can come up with both pros and cons:

-it practices ure patience
-practices ure spiritual side
-makes you appreciate what you have
-dont have to buy as much food
-u lose weight


-u feel really hungry while ure fasting
-no drinking
-u have to wake up in the morning everyday to eat
-lowers ure metabolism

Pro - You can lose weight fast.
Con - You gain it back fast after you start eating again.
The experts say a moderate diet and daily exercise work the best.

Ok here is the scoop on fasting:

Humans are designed through evolution for times of fasting. So a 1 day fast every once in awhile is fine. Fasting for multiple days in a row will make your system go into emergency mode and when you do eat it will all go on as fat.

So, your best course of action would be to work out on eating days and take it easy when fasting. Also be careful not to get in the mode of eating like a pig on your eating days.

Some people have problems fasting, however. I sometimes get a migraine headache due to not eating much on some days. Other people have no problem at all. If you are one of the latter, feel free to try fasting.

Depends on what kind of fast and for how long, but generally the pros are:

toxins and wastes are purged from the body
body works better
senses are enhanced
body gets a chance to rest and heal
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not compatible with being active or working - you need to take time off
hard to do sometimes, especially around people who are not fasting
can be harmful if abused or not done correctly
will probably deplete vitamin and iron levels to some extent

Other people are saying that it will make you hungry, when really it's quite the opposite. After the 2nd or 3rd day of fasting you will have no appetite at all.

Fasting, for short periods of time, works for some persons to make them temporarily pay attention better.

Some report temporary health changes like clearer skin.

Others look at fasting and do not feel that, for them, it works much at all one way or the other.

Wow..Not many positive answers on here..There are different ways to fast..Look into it beyond YA and good luck..I think it's a good idea to do once a year for about three days.

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