What is the best possible treatment for Hyperthyroidism??!

Question: in Ayurveda, Yoga etc..
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Answers: in Ayurveda, Yoga etc..
Thanks for answering, :))

Hey,,,,,, i also follow ayurveda, i always use ayurvedic hair oils,shampoos ,soap etc.....

According to ayurveda prevention is better than cure

You can ask ayurvedic experts in www.ammas.com.
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This disorder occurs when the thyroid produces too much hormone, reulting in an overactive metabolic state . the body's processes , including digestion , speed up with this disorder Malabsorption occurs, so a proper diet is important. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are nervousness, irritability , increased perspiration, insomnia and fatigue, weakness, hair and weight loss, separation of the nails,hand tremors, intolerance of heat, rapid heartbeat, and sometimes protruding eye-balls. The condition is sometimes called thyrotoxicosis or Grave's disease.
the pituitary gland, parathyroid glands, and sex glands all work together and are influenced by thyroid function. If there is a problem in one place, they all may be affected. This condition is nt a common as un underactive thyroid . A malfunctioning thyroid can be the underlying cause of many recurring illnesses. Recomendations: Eat plenty of the following foods: Brccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage , cauliflower, kale, spinach and turnips. These help to suppress thyroid hormone production. Avoid dairy products for at least three months. Also aboid stimulants, coffee, tea , nicotine, and soft drinks. Take 1 teaspoon of curmume dairy. Considerations: Radioactiveiodien( 1-131) is used to treat this condition, BE WARY of this. SEVERE side effects have been known to accompany the use of I-131. ALSO, Don't rush into surgery!!. Try improving your diet first.

Ayurveda medicine is very good. Practice of some position of Yoga special for tyroid gland are available.

Nutrients: Multivitamind and mineral complex. Vitamin B complex wit extra B2 And B1 And B6


Brewer's yeast Essential fatty acid Lecithin Vitamin C ( 3000 -5000 daily)

@@@ CHECK THIS OUT@@@....i found this is ammas.com

Thyroid Nodule
Dear Amma Your website is really fantabulous. I need your help. My mother found certain lumps on her neck when she looked into mirror and hence we consult a doctor(Homeopathy). The doctor advised to test Blood ( thyroid function test ) and do ultrasound scan. The blood test result showed TSH value 11( eleven). The scan result showed multiple nodules. The doctor said she has Hypothyroidism. She is 57 years old. Presently she is under medication. Currently her TSH value has come down to 1.57, but nodule persists. She is having her emdicatiosn properly. The doctor advised to avoid cabbage adn cauliflower in her diet. Also advised to ensure calcium does not exceed.I have a few questions. 1. I would like to know more about her diet. Let me tell you her present diet regime. Morning , firstof all, she used to drink Green tea. Later on dosa/idli ( No:2) with some fruits. For lunch she used to have rice ( kerala rice which is brown in color) ,vegetables and yogurt. Evening mostly she will go for bread ( whole wheat ) OR sunfeast marie light biscuits. For Dinner, either Chappathi/wheatdosa, but mostly Oats ( Prepared with milk). this is her usual diet. She used to include fruits like Orange, Apple, Plums, Guava,grapes and honey dew in her diet. Her weight is normal according to her height.. She avoid cabbage and cauliflower as per doctor's advice. What other foods/ vegs she should avoid? We are pure vegetarians. My mother uses only low fat milk. She doesn't eat cheese, butter or any other milk products but she used to add milk in tea and oats. IS her diet ok? 2. How long it will take to vanish those nodules? She is under homeopathic care. 3. What other precautions she should take? We live in middle east. Here we use AC all the time, Will it effect the disease due to the lack of fresh air? Please write to me in detail Thanks in advanca REshmi -- Reshmi, India 08/03/07

A: Thyroid is small gland situated in the midline and base of the neck. The gland produces thyroid hormones (Tetraiodothyronine/Thyroxine) and T3 (Triiodothyronine) that are absolutely essential for maintaining harmony of various body functions. Thyroid hormones govern the speed of body

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