What is Spirulina?and spirulina spp.?!

Question: Spirulina- One of the primitive blue green algea that are among the earliest forms of life on earth,spirulina is marketed today as a natural source of chlorophyll,amino acids,vitamins, and minerals-and as a way to lose weight quickly without dieting.one 500-milligram spirulina tablet with each meal will supposedly control your appitite,suppress hunger pangs, and help you eat less.the scientific basis for the efficacy of spirulina is said to be the amino acid L-phenylalanine,which is believed to have an influence on the brian's appitite control center.this claim was carefully reviewed by the food and drugs administration in 1979 and found to be baseless.

Answers: Spirulina- One of the primitive blue green algea that are among the earliest forms of life on earth,spirulina is marketed today as a natural source of chlorophyll,amino acids,vitamins, and minerals-and as a way to lose weight quickly without dieting.one 500-milligram spirulina tablet with each meal will supposedly control your appitite,suppress hunger pangs, and help you eat less.the scientific basis for the efficacy of spirulina is said to be the amino acid L-phenylalanine,which is believed to have an influence on the brian's appitite control center.this claim was carefully reviewed by the food and drugs administration in 1979 and found to be baseless.

Spirulina An incredible source of concentrated nutrients. It is 60% protein, making it the world's highest known source of protein. Raw meat is only 27% protein, and even soybeans are only 34% protein. The protein in Spirulina contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Spirulina is the world's highest known vegetable source of B-12 with high concentrations of vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-6, D, E, and K. In addition, Spirulina also provides all necessary minerals, trace elements, cell salts, and digestive enzymes. The list does not end here, however, because Spirulina also offers an abundance of chlorophyll, ferrodoxins, and other pigments.

Although considered by many to be an amazing supplement just recently discovered, Spirulina is actually a source of concentrated nutrients that has been used for centuries. The ancient Aztecs thrived on Spirulina from Lake Texcoco in Mexico, and for the people who live around the lake in Chad, Africa, Spirulina has been a mainstay in their diet for generations.

Spirulina is a water-grown, 100% vegetable plankton, a blue-green algae that grows in fresh water lakes throughout the world. Spirulina is grown and processed in Hawaii. Our Wholefood Multiple Vitamin w/minerals has 1000 mg of SpirulinaSo what's so special about Spirulina in the first place?

? Spirulina contains more nutrition gram per gram than any other product in the World!!! (you might want to read that line twice)

? Nutrition experts and the United States Government recommend that we eat at least 5

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