Does anybody know anything about Crystals and there healing properties?!

Question: Only i was watching a programme recently on Crystals, on the telly, and i was drawn to a Clear Crystal and it made me feel good. Anybody know anything about them and if so, if possible, the name of the crystal i was drawn too and if i can buy one somewhere. uk resident, many thanks

Answers: Only i was watching a programme recently on Crystals, on the telly, and i was drawn to a Clear Crystal and it made me feel good. Anybody know anything about them and if so, if possible, the name of the crystal i was drawn too and if i can buy one somewhere. uk resident, many thanks

Are you talking about zircon, that has healing properties but you have to get corse crystals smooth polished ones don't work and if its cloudy then don't use it.

I know of a great book called Crystals you can find it here - loads of stuff about crystals and when they can do

see here

Yes I know a little. There is no healing powers. there have been many tests and experiments conducted on this subject and not one of them proved there are healing powers in crystals. Unfortunately the people who put out all this new age healing stuff don't accept the results saying that the tests showed a negative response because they were in a test. Read Derren Brown's Tricks of the Mind book for a more detailed answer than this one.

it seem most logical to either search the net on crystals healing properties or visit the library on the subjects- you would probably get to know about it in rocks n mineral on a scientific approach or on a holistic aura angle, up front to you -there's no short cut to knowledge you need to spend time to read or look it up , its the best and safest way to most questions/queries. cos this subject can cost you lots of holes in your pocket if you just follow people opinion just like that -buy this buy that etc...if you are lucky it works otherwise you go through learning by paying? however for your infro certain crystals can be consumed as medicine. good luck

I answered a similar question earlier today. Crystals have no healing properties, it's all in the mind, placebo effect but if it works for you like other placebos, homeopathy, faith healers accupuncture go for it, it wont do you any harm unless you have something serious.

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