Have homeopathic remedies worked for you?!

Question: What have you tried and what was your experience like?

Answers: What have you tried and what was your experience like?

Dear friend. I can tell you confidently that Homoepathic remedies worked on e and many of our friends, family members .
In fact i can more authoritatively pass on you, this opinion, because we have several charitable dispensaries run under our The World-Teacher Trust, (WTT). So many patients have got their many problems solved with these medicines.

The cases are arising from day to day problems like , diarrheas, fevers, abdominal pain, skin diseases, headaches, asthma, sinus problems, tooth ache etc.

Chronic cases of Blood Pressure, Sciatica, Diabetes , Sleeplessness, Neurology cases, Gastro enteritis cases, Menstrual Troubles,etc

When treated through out Pregnancy, many normal deliveries resulted.

Most of the Behavioral problems can be cured efficiently more effectively compared to Psychologists treatments.

In this system, the patient takes medicine , rather than the Doctor gives it. hat means it is only based on the symptoms and sufferings of the patient. We listen to very careful everything the patient utters and take note. Mostly in the words of the patient.
Pain is taken as in many ways. Is it burning, twitching, as if cut by a knife, like poked with needles,squeezing, pressing, better by holding, better by pressing, better by bending forward, better by stretching backwards like that each and every symptom relates to a different medicine.

So what is required in Hoomoeo medicine is well taken case, as many symptoms as possible, taking the patient/ Doctor into mutual trust.
Another important point is the medicine works wonders if it is administered with love, kindness and good wish from Doctor's side and with belief and trust from patients side.
We give the medicine complete free of cost as part of service, so we also follow certain discipline to become a HEALER. Healer is different from Doctor,.
Doctor can be anyone who gets the knowledge as by qualification etc. But Healer is one who can heal the patient by touch, by medicine, by giving energy etc.
So we invariably do not smoke, do not take drinks, etc do not consume non-vegetarian, and do not do anything that disturbs our composure.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to tell the above things, with Love to you.

Yeah, they have. I have a homeopathic sinus product that I take whenever I get a sinus headache (typically from my allergies), and I typically have a clear head within an hour or so after taking it (not to mention how much faster the headache is gone in). Every time I've taken Tylenol or Ibuprofen before I tried this, it never helped the headaches at all because it didn't address the sinus pressure causing it.

Also, I have talked to hundreds of customers that have used homeopathic products and gotten a lot of benefits from them.
And for all those users who say homeopathic products don't work, I've talked to a customer that bought a product because they were told it was for some ailment. I don't recall which ailment because it was so long ago, but it was WAY off base for what the product actually did. Anyway, this guy said he didn't have any effects for what he thought it was for (I told him that was because he heard wrong), but I asked if he noticed any benefits for what the product was actually for, and he said he did notice those benefits. LOL!

Homeopathic remedies work well for the seller. He gets to sell ordinary plain water at outrageously high prices to suckers who don't know.

A note on Danger Nate's explanation of homeopathy. Few people know how easy it was to get a "proving" added to the homeopathic Index. Often it was person sending in a report. There were no followup or investigation, let alone a rigorous proof. Most of those listings cut-and-pasted by Soul "Doctor" were reported up to two hundred years ago on the hunch and whim of a single unqualified observer. The entire edifice of homeopathy is build on delusion and mistake.

Yes they do and I will not get put back on any meds again. For many years over my traumatic childhood and stressors in my life I have went for help only to be drugged up with any drugs they wanna give me....from effexor, paxil, buspar, wellbutrin and so many others. I went to a natural doctor and she put me on adrenal complex made by Dr. Christopher and st john's wort (any brand) about 3 mths ago and I have never felt better. I am a student and single mother in her 30's and since I have been on my herbal supplements my life has looked so much better with a different beautiful aspect of my life and what it has to offer for me.

YES!!! I have used pulsatilla for stuffy noses, and to avoid ear infections with my kids, arnica for bruises when they bonk, also great for after child birth! Teething tablets are wonderful, calms forte, just to name a few I have used and have seen them work wonderfully! Sometimes, if you dont get the right remedy, they will do nothing...That's pretty much when you know you dont have it right...Rumus crispus and other cough ones too...

I have used a homeopathic anti-inflammatory for many years and have found it to be very effective, especially as an alternative to topical pain relief gels like icy-hot.


I was about 4 1/2 months pregnant with my first child and I got up, as pregnant women do, to use the restroom. As I was sitting there my hands began burning. It felt horrible! I washed them wondering if I got something on them.

Within 15 months my entire body had broken out in horrible rash - it felt like I'd rolled in stinging nettles and fire ants at the same time! Terrible!

After a very panicky call to my midwife we figured out I had PUPPS - the pregnancy rash. Cure? Have your baby. Treatment? Suffer.

I ended up taking the Apis Melificua rememdy which is the bee sting rememdy. I took one the next morning and the rash pretty much disappeared. When my palms began burning again and redness returned I took another dose. The next day I felt things coming back on and took another dose.

One week later the symptoms began to return (burning red palms but no rash yet) and I took ONE MORE dose and that was it.

I was completely symptom free within one week and did not suffer at all beyond that one, very first, day.

Here is a short history of homeopathy; you will be able to decide for yourself if you think it has any chance of working.

Homeopathy was created some 200 years ago by a man named Samuel Honomin. This was back when medicine was less of a science and more of a guess. With a good intention Honomin tried to improve the quality of medicine by created the 4 rules of homeopathy that he derived from watching the results of Quinine in its use for treating malaria. Honomin thought he could do better than the doctors of his day. His 4 rules are:
1. Do a proving.
2. Match symptoms of patient to proving and give matched substance to patient.
3. Do not give patient the substance; give him a highly diluted form of the substance.
4. The more dilute the

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