Does anyone know how to make essential oils?!

Question: Lavender, rosemary, frangi pani, jasmine

Answers: Lavender, rosemary, frangi pani, jasmine

Making essential oils is a lengthy and expensive proposition from home. Lots of equipment to buy and the like. However, it is quite easy and inexpensive to make oil infusions, which is the next best thing. You can use a low heat method or a "distilling" method. All you need is a carrier oil (grapeseed, jojoba, almond etc) the herb of your choice, and a small crockpot. Put a good handful of the herb in the pot, oil to cover, put pot on lowest possible setting, leave lid OFF, stir a bit and then forget about it for a couple 3 hours or so. Just stir it once in awhile. After that, strain & bottle. Easy right?! The other method is similar, herb oil bottle sun. Herb & oil in bottle, cap it, set in indirect sunlight for about 1 month. No need to strain if you don't want to on that one, but I would probably reccommend that you do. Good Luck!

It's really difficult to make essential oils yourself, and it requires a lot of equipment. Better to buy it at a health food store (I like Aura Cacia and Young Living, two of the best brands).

Yikes! You would need some incredible expensive machines...distilling is key. Email me if you want more info...

Generally you need an $800 piece of glassware called a soxhtet extractor, a variety of solvents and other lab equipment, and a bit of knowledge

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