What are some homeopathic yeast infection treatments safe for kids?!

Question: My 4 yr old may have one... I'm already doing the probiotics (lactinex and organic yogurt) but I'm interested in doing more... especially anything topical to help w/ her discomfort.

Answers: My 4 yr old may have one... I'm already doing the probiotics (lactinex and organic yogurt) but I'm interested in doing more... especially anything topical to help w/ her discomfort.

Grapefruit seed extract is safe and effective (10-20 drops per oz of DISTILLED water is what is recommended for yeast diaper rash, not sure if you could go stronger for a 4 year old). Vinegar is less effective but equally safe (1part to 5-10pars water).

Garlic (raw clove cut in half with a string if desired for easy removal) is commonly used by adult women like a suppository -however not sure if that would be reasonable for a toddler. For me putting it in would be a big issue (maybe I am just squeamish?). Garlic oil may be effective externally? Not sure.

I would stay far, far away from tea tree oil.

Q: "Can yogurt down south ease a yeast infection"?

A: Yes, yogurt can cure this condition and also help prevent future infections. "Some brands of yogurt contain live cultures of certain bacteria also present in the vagina, and these bacteria fight the overgrowth of yeast that causes infection," explains Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical professor of ob-gyn at Yale University School of Medicine.

Here's what to do: Coat a tampon with plain, unflavored yogurt (make sure the container says it's made with live cultures), insert it into your vagina, then remove immediately. Do this twice daily for four or five days and your V one should be back to normal, says Dr. Minkin.


I guess I'm confused then...how do you apply something topical to the vagina without actually applying it TO the vagina? (Assuming her yeast infection is not one of the rare external ones).

"Topical medications are the first line of treatment that the doctor would recommend for yeast infection. Topical creams are introduced inside the vagina through an applicator that comes along with the product. They can also be applied directly to the vulva (the external genitalia)."


Homeopathic Remedies are the most effective and the most safest medicine for Children and Adults alike. I never knew that children get yeast infection too, it would be better if you post the childs symptoms here, Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease. Its only by the patients symptoms can a Homeopath prescribe an appropriate remedy for any disease or disorder.

Below you will find the Head remedies used in Homeopathy to treat Leucorrhoea(Yeast Infection):-

Leucorrhoea associated with diabetes mellitus; thick whitish discharge; stains the linen; irregular, painful, scanty, dark and clotted menstruation with backache; worse by movement and better by rest Abroma Augusta 30, 4 hourly

Discharge leaves yellow spot on the clothes Chelidoninum 6X or 30C, 4 hourly

Acrid; yellow discharge due to trichomonas infection; causing low backache; worse between periods Kreosote 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Acrid; curd like or white of egg; with sensation as if warm water is flowing Borax 3X or 30C, 4 hourly

Head remedy; leucorrhoea with backache Ova Tosta 3X, 4 hourly

Acrid;excoriating, yellowish or greenish discharge with constipation. Bearing down sensation as if everything will come out from vagina Sepia 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Milky, creamy, bland and acrid discharge; sometimes with burning. In mild, tearful women; loss of thirst with dry mouth Pulsatilla 30 or 200, 6 hourly

Leucorrhoea with burning, itching and rawness; worse at night Mercurius Sol 30 or 200, 4 hourly

Leucorrhoea like milk with burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in liitle girls; feet cold and damp; chilly patients Calcarea Carb 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Acrid, ropy, profuse, transparent discharge; running down to heel with burning; worse during day time and after menstruation; better by washing Alumina 6X or above, 6 hourly

In obese females profuse discharge of white colour; with itching around genitals and constipation Graphites 200 or 1M, once weekly (3 Doses)

Whitish, non irritating discharge; menses late and scanty Penicillinum 200, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Intercurrent remedy; patient feels worse at night; when there is history of miscarriage Syphilinum 200 or 1M, once fortnightly (3 Doses).

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine

Take Care and God Bless !

Homeopathic "remedies" for yeast infection are all worthless.

It is irresponsible to subject a child who may be suffering infections to adult fantasies such as homeopathy. She needs to see a real doctor. Soul "Doctor" ought be ashamed of himself for suggesting worthless cures for treating a helpless and trusting child.

I have been battling this issue only 3 times in my life. But every time I had it, it got worse and couldn

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