What's up with the medicine craze?!

Question: Everyone is always taking pills and vitamins all the time. Personally, I refuse to put anything into my body that is not natural and causes changes in my system. I mean if someone said take this pill or die, I'd take it. But if it's a temporary problem, like a headache or a cold or muscle soreness, then no way. My body will heal just fine; I don't need your help, Mr. Pill.

I think it's making us weaker...our future generations will have weak immune systems.


Answers: Everyone is always taking pills and vitamins all the time. Personally, I refuse to put anything into my body that is not natural and causes changes in my system. I mean if someone said take this pill or die, I'd take it. But if it's a temporary problem, like a headache or a cold or muscle soreness, then no way. My body will heal just fine; I don't need your help, Mr. Pill.

I think it's making us weaker...our future generations will have weak immune systems.


Pharmacology has a place but I agree for everyday things like coughs and colds medication is unnecessary.

Because of the high levels of processed food and poor diet in the western world vitamin supplements can be indicated but for a healthy person who has a good nutritious diet it shouldn't be necessary.

Recently I had a streptococcal infection in my throat. If not killed with anti-biotics the immune system creates anti-bodies which kill it. Sounds fine right?
Unfortunately the protein structure of the organism is very similar to the tissue in your heart valves so your body keeps on producing these anti bodies to attack your own healthy heart tissue effectively giving you rheumatic heart disease.....
Now this wont kill you immediately but will affect your quality of life. You can choose anti-biotics which will sort it out within a week, leave it and risk rheumatic heart disease or try an alternative therapy which may or may not work.

I chose the anti-biotics.
Would I choose anti-fungal tablets for brittle nails affecting the feet from a fungal infection? You need to take them for a year and they put a lot of strain on your liver. As it's not a life threatening condition I'd try more natural remedies like rubbing tea tree oil onto it or garlic.

Paracetamol lowers your body temperature and may alleviate the symptoms of a cold but it also interferes with the body's process of trying to cook it out (raising the body temperature is for a reason) so strings the cold out for longer. If the body temperature becomes dangerously high the it is appropriate.
I don't take medication if I have a cold instead I take lots of viatmin c and drink fruit juice. I've noticed they pass far more quickly now then when I used to medicate with Pharma.

Interestingly the first few years of life are the most critical for Immune system development. We now live in very clean environments and children don't roll around in dirt like they used to. Allergies have increased substantially in the last 20 - 30 years and a lot of schools of thought are looking at whether being over clean in the very early years is to blame.

It's all about the advertising. This is a billion dollar industry, and by promoting these products with the use of vague, common syptoms, most unsure people will jump on board. This is another example of how the media controls everything.

You must have a strong constitution. I agree that many people overmedicate, but for me, I only take a pain killer when the headache, muscle ache, whatever is driving me so crazy I can't function. Plus, my body doesn't "heal just fine", sometimes I have problems healing. Not everyone is as strong as you are.

I agree, only to take pills when absolutely necessary. The body knows how to deal with things on its own. Also if you are getting things like tension headaches, maybe you will see that you need to relax instead of taking a pill and keeping up the hectic pace. If we listen to our bodies, they will guide us well throughout out lifetime.

Not really with vitamins. But there is a lot of people taking too many vitamins. Excess isn't good. I'm glad that you have your opinion. Mine is that if you have an issue you must see me and get a good medical opinion before trying to take meds unneccessarily.

I used to be the same way you are, but then I got older.

People want a quick fix to problems so they figure its safe so why not pop a pill to make it better. They don't realize/care what it's doing to their bodies let alone a future generation.

"Everyone is always taking pills and vitamins all the time"
Well, that is just not true. Maybe YOU hang around with a bunch of druggies, but it simply is NOT the case.

I know what you mean. A lot of people are taking multiple pills like that everyday. Their bodies are becoming used to it and eventually their bodies will stop trying to heal things like soreness and they will be getting more headaches because it thinks the pills will take care of everything.

It's certainly true that pills and vitamins are sometimes overprescribed. The classic example is antibiotics for colds. However, it's also rather stupid to refuse physician-prescribed medications that actually work. It's not always true that your body will heal itself.

Incidentally, chiropractic "treatments" are often "overprescribed". Many Altmed practitioners are scam artists who recommend flat-out useless remedies.

People nowdays seem to want a quick-fix for everything. Some find it too difficult to alter their diet and lifestyle, which are the largest causes of illness. The marketing of drugs on television, radio and magazines sure doesn't help, either. Doctors give people drugs whether they need it or not just because they ask for them.
Our current generations already have weaker immune systems due to overprescribing of drugs. The superbug MRSA that's been in the news lately is a scary example of what can happen by overruse of antibiotics.
Something will have to change very soon, or there will be a huge epidemic that will kill millions of people.

I absolutely agree Rich, we are an over medicated society that is not taking responsibility for our own well being.

I believe that we need to do all we can for our health today so that we have quality of life for the long term. With this in mind I am careful of the food I eat, I believe we all need a daily supplement and that our mental health is important and plays a huge role in our physical health.

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