Does anyone have a home remedy?!

Question: it's so cold here and the heat is on, my nose is so dry. Arrghh. Can I use some kind of nasal solution I can make at home. TY

Answers: it's so cold here and the heat is on, my nose is so dry. Arrghh. Can I use some kind of nasal solution I can make at home. TY

1 cup water (distilled, or spring - as long as its not chlorinated) and 1/4 tsp salt.....that will make a .09% solution for nasal rinsing.

Put a pot of water near your heat vents, that will help too

just try vasoline.... it works...


Boil Water , and it should help you breath easier.

mineral oil,Vaseline, keep your hands very clean use cold water when you wash your face..

get an air humidifier. much better than making somthing to put in your nose

vaseline is a petroleum based solution and is NOT suggested on any internal part of the body as our systems can not break it down!!!

go to the kitchen and grab a pan, put some water on the stove to a rolling boil. pour it in a heat safe bowl and put a towel over your head and lean over the steam. I swear this will help. You may also wish to add some vicks to the water as this will also help. Otherwise ask your pharmacist cuz they gave me somethin over the counter for my daughter once and I can't remember what it was but it was cheap. some sort of nasal bottle and it comes with a solution for a little while but they said instead of buying the packet refills i could put 1/8 tsp of salt and fill the bottle with luke warm water and squeeze into the nose. It helped to but the other way is free and doesn't feel as weird so that's the route my daughter prefers. good luck and best of health to you.

Drugs are the major culprits behind a dry nose. Lowering humidity also causes a dry nose, which is itchy and painful. Try these tips at home:

- Isotonic sodium chloride in the form of a nasal spray or nose rinse is a commonly used remedy.
- Hydration works out in a better manner than topical application. Drink lots of water.
- Put a folded wet wash cloth in the microwave for about 20 seconds and hold it over your nose.
- Use a humidifier.
- Apply a moisturiser cream inside your nostrils, with the advice of your physician.
- Steam inhalation with vicks is helpful.

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