Extacy pills????????????!

Question: hi personally ive not took pills for nearly 3 years, i had an addiction of 20 plus a day, well me young brother been pushing them down him self, he say he took 6, fair play hes came t me, i no how t bring people out of a bad one and can calm them, but i never used t get problems coming down and feeling shite, i could sleep quite easy if i wanted to, hes ok at mo bit spaced and paranoia, he last swalloed arond 12 he say, wat best way t bring him round, ive got a few ideas but would like a few opinions thank you.

Answers: hi personally ive not took pills for nearly 3 years, i had an addiction of 20 plus a day, well me young brother been pushing them down him self, he say he took 6, fair play hes came t me, i no how t bring people out of a bad one and can calm them, but i never used t get problems coming down and feeling shite, i could sleep quite easy if i wanted to, hes ok at mo bit spaced and paranoia, he last swalloed arond 12 he say, wat best way t bring him round, ive got a few ideas but would like a few opinions thank you.

It's funny how people are giving "omg you take him to the ER immediately" responses. Do you really think he would do that?

Anyhow, my advice for you is 3 fold.
First, he might be going into shock, so you should do what you can to keep him warm and if possible have him lie down with his feet elevated.
Second, have him drink lots of water so some of the E can flush out of his system.
Third, make him start using a different hallucinogen like mushrooms which won't mess your body up if you take too much of it. E is one of the worst ones available :\

Get him to the emergency room immediately!

lay him down in the tub with cold water. Worked for my friend, ate 15.

Take him to the E>R to have his stomach pumped.
with the way you spell, you are not educated enough to be playin DR.
They can refer him to an agency for further help after they get him coherent

go to a hospital, get the stomach pumped, wow
and then try some freakin rehab, im fine with drugs, but get ur stuff together, EX is some nasty stuff to be getting into

jeez - so are you sitting here while ur bro could be seriously harmed from taking ecstacy - you bloody tw*t

WOW 20 pills a day!!! 12 pills for your brother!!!! People die if they took that many, you guys must have a big addiction if your tolerance is that high...He needs help before he kills himself - rehab is the best way...if he's taking that many, he will probably have to go to an inpatient rehab to slowly come off of it...they will give him medication to stop him from having seizures and stuff...he is going to be extremely depressed after stopping X and paranoid as well - the doctor will be able to help him with that also...SEND HIM TO REHAB!! he needs help before he kills himself...

orange/fruit juice...helps stop the effects
keep him still and quiet in a dimly lit room....no music...

when hes feeling better..kick his **** for taking so many in one night.....and not sharing with me...lucky sod

I'd say don't help him. let him learn a lesson that it's bad for him & remind him this is what they'll do do for you.
Maybe this is what his body is telling him to stop taking them as they're hazardous.

Go to the health food shop and get some 5-HTP, then give him one before he goes to bed. It'll make him feel less depressed the next day. As for an immediate fix, then just keep an eye on him and give him a cup of tea or two - it's a diuretic and it'll help to flush it out of his system. DON'T give him a spliff!!

12 is a stupid amount!!! Jesus, I can only hack one at a time! He really needs to watch himself, and as his big bro, you're the one to give him the talking-to.

get him plenty of orange or juice triggers the brain into coming down

pass that man a inflatable quaver

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