Hi everybody , does anyone take apple cider vinegar ? and how?!

Question: Hi everybody , does anyone take apple cider vinegar ? and how?
to use it ? i heard 3 table spoon with 300 ml warm water with 1 table spoon with row honey 3 times a day , is that right ? if not plz tell me exactly how to use it ? aslo does table spoon same size as tea spoon ? hope people with experince answer me and i will give 10 points for best answer with all my hope for a best life for him

Answers: Hi everybody , does anyone take apple cider vinegar ? and how?
to use it ? i heard 3 table spoon with 300 ml warm water with 1 table spoon with row honey 3 times a day , is that right ? if not plz tell me exactly how to use it ? aslo does table spoon same size as tea spoon ? hope people with experince answer me and i will give 10 points for best answer with all my hope for a best life for him

Please see my best answer here for more info


one tbsp equals 3 teaspoons..the dose is about two finger widths in a glass of water. Others say 1 tbsp..you may do this three times a day or just prepare a bottle with 3 or 4 cups worth in the morning and then just sip it all day long.

The most important point is that is be RAW apple cider vinegar containing the "mother".(it is not safe to use regular vinegar nor white vinegar except for cleaning) .two good brands of raw apple cider vinegar sold at health food stores and heath food sections of supermarkets like Kroger's or giant eagle are Bragg's or Spectrum. Occasionally you may substitute Bragg's raw red wine vinegar as it does have some health benefits but primarily stick with the apple vinegar.

You may take it with raw honey which enhances it or you may take it without honey or sometimes I prefer is with sea salt or dulse.

A good book on it are folk medicine and his arthritis book by D C Jarvis (see the link above). He did a lifetime of studies as a medical doctor and as a vet and these books talk about what he observed when using this and other Vermont folk medicine food items like kelp with his many patients. great books and what first interested me many years ago..I recently read this arthritis book via interlibrary loan and it as very interesting especially on it's ability to prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones and tenderize naturally the slaughtered cows so that one could see the calcium was not being deposited in the joints and flesh toughening it but in the bones which were very much less porous than in the cattle slaughtered not using the ACV. Patricia Braggs also speaks on this nontoughing and aging event on the flesh in her book which kind of backs up Jarvis's and the farmers and slaughterers observastion of ACV effects on the skin, muscle tissues and bones in those taking versus not taking ACV.

His observations on it causing both calves and human children to grow taller where also interesting..the farmers using ACV for their cows and calves often were the first prize winners..many had formerly been the runts of the litter. The cows and children instinctly loved acid foods like the vinegar the children licking every drop from bowls of cukes and vinegar and the cows eating the spilled pails of vinegar and all the soil beneath it to get all the vinegar consumed. It has many health benefits..he has interesting case stories of people preventing food poisoning by drinking a glass of water with ACV prior to eating and not getting sick when everyone else is poisoned by a spoiled items at a buffet and needs their stomach pumped. I have used this over 30 years to prevent food poisoning when wondering if items were potentially spoiled from freezer outages or a meat smelled a little off and made my family all drink the ACV and none of us ever got sick. He shows how in Vermont they use vinegar to dissolve calcium deposits from the hard waster that builds up inside tea kettles or water heater and that it in the same way dissolves calcium deposits in the body with a steady intake. And he tested the patients ph which paper testing the ph of their urine and found that the vinegar changed it to the right ph that was inconsistent with sickness..and if one got sick the vinegar would shift the ph and with it the illness would go away generally much quicker. he was at heart not only a doctor but a medical researcher.

I sometimes use it cold..I prefer cold if it is sweetened and warm if I am using sea salt.

In my Q and A is one from someone asking where to purchase Braggs and if you go to the link I posted in that question, (here is the link I just got for you to this question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...
you will see a great and highly recommended book from Bragg's daughter called apple cider vinegar..I very much recommend this book. Bragg opened the first health food store in American according to his daughter Patricia.

Sometimes you can just take the raw vinegar in foods like salad dressings or neat over cucumbers or cukes and onions or make a cole slaw dressing or something with mayo and apple cider vinegar and sea salt. It doesn't have to be taken in water all the time for variety.

A few table spoons with oil over a fresh salad.

I use it everyday in the mornings when I'm taking my vitamins. I just put two tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar into a glass of water, mix and drink it up ............... it helps encourage the production of HCI (hydrochloric acid) in your stomach thus aiding in digestion. You can take it after meals mixed with water also to help cut through high fat meals and aide in digestion, or just to put a spring in your step. 2 tablespoons in a glass of water will also eliminate heartburn and an ease an acid tummy....... :0)

Don't forget to sip it through a straw to save the enamel on your beautifull pearlie whites.


Take care of you?

my mom loves the stuff. She even uses it as a deodorant. Don't ask how. It helps you lose weight. Just dilute it like 5 tablespoons in a cup of water...

Every body can take apple cider vinegar w/ honey warm or cold thats right 3 table spoon w/ 8onze water w/ I table spoon of row honey its okay and tea spoon is the same as table spoon. javier

Apple Cider Vinegar is another of those totally worthless pre-scientific cure-alls still making the rounds due to irresponsible altmed quacks and gullible consumers. The story goes that the original popularizer

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