Is enemas just as good a getting a colonic?!

Question: Im asking becuase after almost a week of bad constipation I reluctantly tried a liquid enema. (with the help of my gf). And it helped a lot... so much that now, not only am I going daily.. but most times 2-3 times a day. Im thinking it really unclogged the sink so to speak. I was considering a colonic prior to this enema but im wondering should I bother, and just stick with a enema montly or so..

Answers: Im asking becuase after almost a week of bad constipation I reluctantly tried a liquid enema. (with the help of my gf). And it helped a lot... so much that now, not only am I going daily.. but most times 2-3 times a day. Im thinking it really unclogged the sink so to speak. I was considering a colonic prior to this enema but im wondering should I bother, and just stick with a enema montly or so..

Colonics can deplete your body of beneficial bacteria and electrolytes. It would be best to increase the fruits and veggies in your diet and drink a lot of water. Try to avoid mucus forming foods such as dairy, sugar, white flour and your bowel habits should improve naturally.

No that is not the same as a good colonic.

" Not sure , never tasted a colonic , do you have ice with it ?"

They are about the same...
Colonic hydrotherapy or irrigation is a gentle internal bath using warm, purified water that can help to

eliminate stored faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substances from the colon.

A practice dating from around 1500 B.C., colonics can also help retonify and reshape the colon

The enema will do for now and if you can't control your bowels with diet and exercise, you might want to explore a laxative.
Colon cleansing is NOT necessary. It'll clean itself with proper care.

I would take Exlax or fiber pills...
Much less costly...
And if you meant a "colonopscopy" to clear out your internal canal, that would hurt and be costly...
A doctor does that with a tube up your anal canal...
You don't want that, trust me...
Very uncomfortable...
A doctor will check for cancer and hemorrhoids...

You might now want to make a habit of enemas, as you body will grow dependent upon them to vacate your bowels. You would be better to use a stool softener, drink lots of water and add some exercise. Also eating more roughage will assist in cleansing your bowels and keeping you regular.

Colonics can be very expensive. True, they do flush out the entire colon, but you can get similar results with three to five enemas, at home, using 1or 2qts of warm water. Just don't do them to often.

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