Im starting to get a cold, whats the best way to get rid of it?!

Question: For me, Airborne almost always knocks it out... if you aren't too far gone... At the first hint of a cold, I start using that and zinc lozenges (from GNC)...for sure go to bed early tonight and if it were me, I would try to avoid dairy products because they always make me feel sicker.

Answers: For me, Airborne almost always knocks it out... if you aren't too far gone... At the first hint of a cold, I start using that and zinc lozenges (from GNC)...for sure go to bed early tonight and if it were me, I would try to avoid dairy products because they always make me feel sicker.

A quick fix is to take some Nyquil. It knocks it out if you catch it before it gets too bad.

Max out your vitimin C. It makes ya feel better and helps fight the cold. 2000 units a day.

I would suggest that you make tea of ginger and add lemon juice and honey. Drink lots of it. It will warm you up, give you vitamin C
and other good stuff and help you feel better fast. Zinc lozenges are good, too.

Sorry! Start drinking plenty of liquids, orange juice, apple juice, water, tea. Take 2 aspirin ever 4 to 6 hours and make sure that you rest when you feel tired. One of the things that makes a cold stick around too long is people don't rest when their body is screaming for it. I usually take vitamin C supplements too, I know they say that doesn't work, but it sure seems to for me. Hope you are feeling better soon.

be careful takin over-the-counter medicinesif you have asthma or hypertension or if you are currently on any medications. mixing some drugs can be very dangerous. a natural way is to drink plenty of water and cranberry juice.soing that will flush out may toxins in the body. if you have vicks, rub that on your chest and under the nose for a decongestant. as long as you don't spike a fever, you will be ok if you push the fluid intake.

At the onset of a cold, I immediately begin taking vitamin C and odorless garlic hourly for the first day or so. I also drink hot water with lemon juice several times a day, and take 30mg of zinc daily. Some people swear by echinacea, but don't take it if you have asthma. I increase my fluids overall, especially water. I hope you feel better soon!

"Airborne" is a worthless scam, sold to the gullible.

For most people, vitamin C is useless as a cold intervention.

Once you have an infection, there's much much you can do except moderate the symptoms, and wait.

take Airborne as directed. it will boost your immune system to fight off the cold.

Eucalyptus oil

Airborne cannot be a scam, since it works so effectively. I use it whenever a cold is coming & it has stopped several colds dead in its tracks.

Zinc lozenges are also very helpful - same deal. It is important to start this stuff ASAP - if longer than 12 hours - you will weaken the cold but not kill it outright.

Good Health !


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