Natural Way to prevent and or deal with headaches?!

Question: I get headaches often in the winter time, I think due to the heat being on.

Answers: I get headaches often in the winter time, I think due to the heat being on.

It is probably from the dry air due to the heat being on. Try using a humidifier -- you can basically make your own by setting pans of water near where the heat is coming out, leaving the door open when you shower, opening the washer as soon as it's finished to let the warm air rise and mix with your room air, do the same with the dishwasher, etc.

drink lots of water and layer your clothing instead of turning up the heat.

Caffeine is said to help headaches. Sugar, however, is bad, so I would suggest coffee or tea with maybe milk in it. I don't like taking pills either, and it usually works for me unless I have a migraine--then I hit the painkillers.

Headaches can have many different causes. I find that drinking pop or sweetened fruit juice often gets rid of them.

I read a book at Barnes and Nobles that suggested lightly pulling your hair all around your head when you have a headache. The book said it would relieve headaches because this causes blood to rush to the head. The book was titled ______ solutions to everyday problems or something like that.

Drink water. Keeping your body hydrated is extremely important. Try meditation. If only for the breathing exercises, meditation really oxygenates the brain and gets your blood flowing. Go for a peaceful walk. Take in nature's bounty and let it heal you. Take a nap. Pain is your body's way of telling you to calm down and rest.

Try essential (not fragrance) oils in a diffuser. I recommend lavendar but if you don't like that smell, try orange.

for me the best way to get rid of a head ache, is as follows.

get in comfy clothes, crawl under the covers, turn on a relaxation cd, get the room as dark a possible, or wear an eye cover, and put an ice pack under the back of your neck at the base of your brain stem.

the cold ice pack causes the blood vessels to constrict. headaches are when the blood vessels get full of blood and swell causing pressure.

good luck

It's probably due to your sinuses being dried out. Try to run the heater less and use a humidifier.

relaxation techniques..i.e, see, humor,see funny movies,enjoy good jokes,try not 2 b 2 serious with yourself n see the COSMIC HUMOR in all things,,,drink plenty of liquids,avoid drugs,smoking,alcohol,plenty of fruits n vegetables,listen 2 make u eel good music played at a soft level!

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