If homeopathic 'medicines' are simply very diluted, coloured water,?!

Question: would their patients be happier with faithful old Beer instead, which is basically water safely diluted with 5% alcohol?

Answers: would their patients be happier with faithful old Beer instead, which is basically water safely diluted with 5% alcohol?

Scam, scam scam!!! Check this out:


it's either placebo effect, or enough time and natural defense systems

**later**- notice in the post below how long this person says it will take to heal the problem? Could it be that in that length of time, that the body's natural systems have dealt with it? Makes more sense to me than the supposed effects of homeopathy. There has NEVER been any correctly produced, double-blind study that has shown homeopathy to have any efficacy whatsoever. Naturopathy, however, is VERY interesting and is well worth looking into, as a properly educated and trained naturopath has the SCIENTIFIC and MEDICAL knowledge to actually accomplish something measurable.

They have to believe it will work first or else they won't get the placebo effect.

Homeopathic medicines are not colored water. Beer, however, is yucky.

Some placebos work better than others. As long as the patient could stay on the prescribed dosages (and not more) it couldn't hurt, I guess.

Works for me. Homeopathic potions are the equivalent of one molecule of the good stuff in the Pacific Ocean.

that depends on what medicine you're referring to. i used a homeopathic teething liquid for my kid when she was teething and it worked like nothing else. way better than tylenol or orajel or a teething ring. i would have to disagree though on the beer thing. i'd say whiskey would be a better "homeopathic aid". i know it helps me out. it's great for sore throats or crappy days at work!

You obviously are uneducated about homeopathic remedies. They are not diluted, they positively have a very potent effect on medical problems. I use them almost exclusively and I find them to be much more able to tackle my ailments then conventional medicine. When you use conventional medicine you are really taking your chances with what the doctors know and what the chemical companies have added to the ingredients. So follow them at your own risk. And take a walk to the homeopathic pharmacy.

True homeopathic meds aren't placebos. They do cure diseases and conditions, it's just that they usually take a very long time to work, as they work with strengthening the body to heal itself instead of shutting off the body's defenses (antibiotics) and taking over. If I was a runner and wanted to run 10 miles for a fitness benefit, I wouldn't say, Oh, I'll just take the car and get there faster. Pharmaceuticals are like that. Now we have an entire society that wants its "quick fix" to get better within a few minutes of that first sniffle instead of working with our bodies through nutrients, supplements and homeopathic remedies to rid ourselves of allergies and like diseases and have them never come back. I would rather take homeopathics for six weeks and come out healthier that to take traditional medicine for three weeks and deal with a host of side effects that could haunt me for life.

I know I'd be happier with beer. Homeopathic medicine is pure quackery.

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