I am looking for some info. on long term high doses of methadone, It works for me does it work for others?!

Question: I was a long time addict to morphine. The methadone worked for me when nothing else would, It has saved my life. Without it I would probably be dead by now and my children would be orphans. I have stayed clean with no relapses for 3 years because of the treatment and the therapy that I attend. Please share your opinion with me. Good or bad.

Answers: I was a long time addict to morphine. The methadone worked for me when nothing else would, It has saved my life. Without it I would probably be dead by now and my children would be orphans. I have stayed clean with no relapses for 3 years because of the treatment and the therapy that I attend. Please share your opinion with me. Good or bad.

I was on methadone for 3 years,my doctor shot himself in the head in his office.A new drug is out now that Iam on and its better than the methadone. Its called suboxone you can look it up on line.E/mail me if you have any questions

Glad to see these programs work for some people. I tend to disagree with the concept because it lends itself to being abused. Whats to stop someone from getting methadone from a clinic and they going home and getting high on another opiate. I had a friend that started using Methadone not really knowing what it was and after that he's never been the same. He started abusing any drug he could get his hands on. I agree that Methadone could be useful in a controled envoirment such as a rehab center I just hate the fact that people on the street can find it and get addicted to it. This stuff should be controled much better.

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