What is this new coffee enema craze...?!

Question: what is it supposed to do for you?

Answers: what is it supposed to do for you?

What is a Coffee Enema

More ubiquitous than the wheel, enemas have been used for thousands of years to cleanse and detoxify the body and mind. The coffee enema is a retention enema that has a highly detoxifying effect on the liver, and consequently the entire body. It should be pointed out that taking coffee by mouth - even s.a.Wilsons - is toxifying ( contributes to dis-ease ) and will not have the same detoxifying effect.

Coffee enemas work by the actions of several key ingredients: caffeine acts to open the bile ducts, making way for an increased detoxification by the liver, while neutraceuticals such as Theophylline and Theobromine dilate blood vessels, increasing blood dialysis across the colon wall. But the true power of the coffee enema lies in the Palmitates, which increase production of prime free-radical quencher glutathione S-transferase (GST) more than 700 times, resulting in a powerful, effective detoxification. As all of the blood in the body passes through the liver every 3 minutes, this 15-minute retention enema represents a form of dialysis, resulting in a uniquely effective detoxification.

This detoxification is reflected; physically, in an almost immediate relief of pain and improvement of symptoms of 'acute' toxicity such as nausea, tiredness and 'the flu', as well as relief from more 'chronic' ailments, particularly pain of any kind, such as that from headaches and migraines; mentally, in increased energy, clarity and motivation; and emotionally, in an almost paradoxal increase in calmness, reduction in anger, relief from stress, as well as enhanced positivity, happiness and just plain feeling good. This relief from symptoms is a crucial aspect of the coffee enema as it allows us a glimpse into how we can feel when our bodies are relieved of their toxicity, giving us an impetus to work towards cleansing and detoxifying our bodies, minds and spirit.

Coffee enemas are known for detoxifying the entire body, relieving symptoms such as pain, headaches, tiredness, nausea and toxicity. Coffee enemas have been used by such pioneers as Gerson, Kelley, and Gonzales in reversing degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, MS, ME, lupus, AIDS, HIV, and allergies. As well as cleansing the colon, coffee enemas create a powerful detoxification of the liver, increasing the ease and effectiveness of any detoxification program.
Take a look at this one to. I do this cleansing once a year, and I am very satisfied with the results.

Hardly new; goes back to Kellogg's and the sanitariums from the mid 1800's

Not new. Old actually.

had no idea... sounds friggen sweeeeet!

It's not new and it's supposed to help increase liver function. A better idea would be just to eat fresh whole foods and drink a lot of purified water.

This is an old technique used to help people with stomach problems along with liver issues. Some people with IBS use coffee enema to help soothe the lining of the stomach.

Now, we can take this one step farther and talk about people who use fresh baby poop to mix in with the their enema.
You ever seen the nice green soft poop of a newborn? That's the stuff they use, Supposed to be the best thing on the planet for enema's.

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