How can I lower my blood pressure the safe and natural way, without any side effects and keep it that way?!

Question: I'm 38 year old female looking to lower blood pressure the safe and natural way.

Answers: I'm 38 year old female looking to lower blood pressure the safe and natural way.

here are my tips to reduce or keep the blood pressure low.

1) Reduce salt -intake, cut down on gravy, preserved food, sauces anything that has salt, since salt will retain water in the blood vessel which directly increase the pressure.

2) Eat food that are rich in potassium. it helps to remove sodium and water which will directly lower the blood pressure. papaya and banana are good sources of potassium.

3) reduce intake on food that are high in saturated fats, cut it down to minimal. it would be better to set say 3 days a week to be vegetarian (better still if one can go full vegetarian).

4) watch out for high cholesterol food. it will thicken the wall of the blood vessels causes the blood pressure to increase. eat more food rich in good cholesterol (HDL), it helps to clear the accumulations in the blood vessels.

5) exercising regularly is good. but the intensity is important too. if he doesn't mind vigorous exercise, then he should plan a weight loss training program like running 20 miles a week. every 2 pounds lost in weight will reduce the blood pressure by 1.

6) relaxation is important for hypertension. don't get over stress, don't get too anxious. there are many activities help people to relax their body and mind. eg. listening to music, taiji, yoga etc.

fighting high blood pressure is a long process. don't worry too much, else it will only worsen the situation.

If you are overweight or smoke: lose weight and stop smoking. If diabetic, control your diabetes. If sedentary, start to exercise.

If you are already at a healthy weight, exercise and don't smoke you may need to take medication.

Were I you, I'd ask a doctor or a nurse practitioner, not the yahoos on Yahoo Answers


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