I'm very interested in eating healthier have any diet ideas ?!

Question: I'm open to anything but I'm sick of drive-thru heart attacks and microwaveable diabetes. I'm 17 in good shape in health and am not looking to lose weight. I'm open to anything I've researched (via google) several "diets" I'm just looking for personal experiece opinon. I'm not vegan or vegetarian opposed although as of now I do eat meat.

Answers: I'm open to anything but I'm sick of drive-thru heart attacks and microwaveable diabetes. I'm 17 in good shape in health and am not looking to lose weight. I'm open to anything I've researched (via google) several "diets" I'm just looking for personal experiece opinon. I'm not vegan or vegetarian opposed although as of now I do eat meat.

OMG! I started a vegetarian/vegan diet 3 weeks ago. I always said I could never do it but it was SO EASY. I highly recommend it. I didn't do it to lose weight either, only to get healthier. Pick up the book called Skinny ***** (I got it at Target.) It was great! Really opened my eyes to things plus it actually tells you what you CAN eat as opposed to what you CAN'T eat. I hope you try it. I feel great since I did.

why don't you just try incorporating something new or different than what you do now. add a healthy snack to your diet or make tuesdays soup and salad day as opposed to greasy burger day.

Vegetarian diet is a good way to eat healthy, if your not willing to go that far, eating organic works just as well.

eat lean meats in small portion sizes (4-6 ounces), healthy fats (cook with olive oil, avoid trans-fat and hydrogenated fat), avoid processed flours and starches, and avoid excess salt and sugar. Increase consumption of raw veggies and fruits of different varieties and colors, take a fish oil supplement, eat food with fiber. Drink about 70 ounces of water a day (not all at once!)

Exercise portion control. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, totalling about 2000 calories per day.

start small. if you try to make drastic changes, they will be less likely to stick. if you start smaller, they will be easier to maintain.

try eating more fresh fruit. an apple here, a banana there... grab some raisins instead of m&ms. try cheese sticks and yogurt instead of potato chips. keeping baby carrots in the fridge is a good snack plan. that way they are already cut and all you have to do is wash them and munch away.

also switching to water instead of soft drinks (even diet ones) will make a drastic difference. the dyes in the soda and even kool-aid are not good for you. not to mention the sugar...

good luck!

Stay away from refined sugars, and white flour (and things that are made of white flour like most pastas). Eat a healthy amount of protein (make sure to get fiber too), veggies, and fruits (stay away from really sugary ones like watermelon and bananas) and stay away from milk fat. Soy milk is a good alternative.

eat your fuits and veggies atleats 3 a day. its hard i (know to eat the 5 a day).eat 3 servings of dairy a day. eat a at least a hand full of nuts a day.eat a good breakfast with eggs and orange juice is a very good drink to give you a burst of energy.take a multivitamon every day and make sure your drinking at least 8 glasses of water.and aslo stay active! hope i helped!

When I was younger I did this. I looked in an almanac at all the foods list and their calorie content. I looked up my calorie intake amount needed for a day which was around 1200. I packed a backpack with all these foods after rationing and weighing them and sorting them. I made a menu and went camping for 10 days. I learned how my body feels and acts only eating nutrition that I need to survive.

I highly suggest going to the library and reading the following two books;
"The Paleolithic Prescription"
"The Naturopathic Diet"

I was veggie/vegan for seventeen years, read EVERYTHING on it, die-hard preaching about it to everyone. These books changed my mind. My weight came down by 30 pounds, my cholesterol dropped from medically dangerous to normal ratios, and my blood sugar levelled.
Here's a link to a Wiki article on this:

Try the Masai Diet. Red meat and milk, along with blood, animal fat, tree bark, and honey. Low incidence of heart disease among the Masai.

Go anerecsic

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