Why do my legs twitch right when I'm about to fall asleep, or even when I first lay down and start relaxing?!

Question: I just want to know why my legs and sometimes arms twitch or convulse for a split second before I fall asleep, or when I'm deeply relaxed? Any medical reasons, spiritual reasons, or just plain old opinions/ideas on why this happens?

Answers: I just want to know why my legs and sometimes arms twitch or convulse for a split second before I fall asleep, or when I'm deeply relaxed? Any medical reasons, spiritual reasons, or just plain old opinions/ideas on why this happens?

You may be suffering with sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea, sleep apnoea or sleep apn?a is a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. These episodes, called apneas (literally, "without breath"), each last long enough so one or more breaths are missed, and occur repeatedly throughout sleep.

This condition restricts the oxygen supply to your muscles which caused muscle tension or agny.

See your doctor.

Good Luck!

RLS? Restlest Leg Syndrome....??

rls...restless leg syndrom....its a real medical condition there are medicons u can take for this talk to ur doctor about it.

Restless Leg Syndrome or you could have extra energy in your body from build up of sugars. Sometimes your body just needs to get it all out before relaxation. The way to tell is by how frequently it happens. Does it happen a lot or just once in awhile? If it happens a lot you've probably got rls. If just once in awhile i wouldn't sweat it. Probably just energy build up.

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