Natural remedy acid reflux heartburn?!

Question: hi,can anyone tell me if they have ever downloaded,this bob barton,acid reflux remedy report,its supposed to be a doctors natural way to get rid of heartburn acid etc,cost around 17 pound (34 dollars) it doeas seem to be genuine,with lots of people,s feedback all praising how good it is,but i,m not sure,if i would be wasting my money or not,just wondering if anyone else has found it helpful,just getting so desparate,i,ll try anything,thanks for any advice

Answers: hi,can anyone tell me if they have ever downloaded,this bob barton,acid reflux remedy report,its supposed to be a doctors natural way to get rid of heartburn acid etc,cost around 17 pound (34 dollars) it doeas seem to be genuine,with lots of people,s feedback all praising how good it is,but i,m not sure,if i would be wasting my money or not,just wondering if anyone else has found it helpful,just getting so desparate,i,ll try anything,thanks for any advice

please, try this- I swear by it. Simply eat some raw celery. It works really well, and everyone I have shared this with agrees. Celery is very alkaline and will stop your heartburn/reflux quickly, gently, naturally, cheaply, and with NO side effects. Do a search for "celery heartburn" and see what you find. Seriously, it works very well.

I keep getting thumbs down every time I give this simple, cheap solution to this very common problem, when THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!
Someone on here seems to have an issue with this for some reason- all I can say to them is to TRY IT and see for yourself. It's not like I'm recommending something ludicrous like homeopathy.
Here's two quotes and some links:

1: Heartburn Remedies

02-Nov-07 at 03:06PM:
NAME: Chelsea

INSTRUCTIONS: My doctor told me to try celery, she swears by it forheartburn relief. I thought is sounded silly, but she said it is highly alkaline, which counteracts the acid. It works great! And almost immediately. Now I have a constant supply of celery in my fridge.

2: Eating celery to help with reflux symtoms
From: Bonnie
Remote Name:
Date: 08/16/02
Time: 09:51:20 PM

A friend eats celery every day, and says the reflux has stopped....also cabbage. Look up: eating celery to treat reflux on website...many articles on it. Anyone else experience this?

Bob!!!! iRep Bobsquad. As For Your Question.. I Dont Know.

no i would not spend m oney on something like that. my mmother swears by a little apple cider vinegar in warm water, my grandmother swears by warm milk but i found when i gave up eating wheat all my severe acid reflux problems disappeared overnight. i would look at your diet first and make some changes to find out if something is not agreeing with you. good luck

Sticking with the Zantac

I suffered with this for years until I found LOSEC, one per day and I can eat and drink anything. 1 problem is once you start taking these you will never stop!

Get Lansoprazole from your doctor, it works wonders. I have tried everything and these tables are the only thing that has really helped. I just take one 15mg tablet a day. Not a natural remedy though.

my best friend has acid reflux and I have changed his
diet, he tries to stay away from spicy food and
that seems to help.

Charcoal tablets - They work really really really well!

Problem sloved
Pick them up at boots!

Well diet first. Drop the items that cause most problems and acid. Peppermint is natural and should help,,,, Why natural? I have been taking meds for years with no problems.. One proton pump inhibitot capsule omce a day(omezprazole) .. And Gaviscon liquid as a short term remedy if getting an attack. Also Gaviscon tablets for when you are out... I also have a hiatus hernia which aggravates the reflux problem..... I keep clear of acidic things like citrus fruit, carbonated drinks and wines and spirits.. Also watch use of vinegar, sauces and pickles. Be honest I have never heard of Bob Barton .

Oh, I suffer w/ Acid Reflux as well and it's awful. I am on Protium 40mg once a day and I take it about 30-40 mins before I eat and I generally have no problems once I've taken this tablet. I tried a natural remedy but it didn't do the trick for me =( Hope all is well.

i wouldn't spend money on anything like that either. I chew an extra strong mint which helps....and I get a fair bit of heartburn while I am pregnant....although the celery sounds like its worth a try..

I bought this when I was desperate like you,but I would not recommend it it mainly tells you to eat your food slowly and to chew it really well,and recommends honey and aloe Vera. What cured mine was banana and milk ,my doctor said she it was thought to work as well as the tablets she was prescribing and it has I have not had it since, I cut banana in half and have with milk before a meal and as I said I am fine now I used to think I was dieing .all the best hope that works . I do not take tablets now at all

HOM?OPATHIC TREATMENT(s) for INDIGESTION (Acid Reflux / Acidity / Gastralgia / IBS) :-

Burning in food pipe with general sensation of burning Sulphur 30X 4 hourly

Burning pain in stomach (Ulcer), with both water and solid vomited as soon as it reaches stomach Ars Alb.30X, 4 hourly

Burning pain in the stomach, with water vomited but solid retained Bismuth 30X, 4 hourly

Burning in food pipe,with sour stool Natrum Carb.30X, 4 hourly

Excess of hydrochloric acid, burning in food pipe, heart burn, nausea and chilly feeling. Acid Sulph.30X, 4 hourly

From nervous anticipation of coming events, desire for sweets. Argentum Nit.30X, 4 hourly

Gastric complaints after taking rich fatty food; less or no thirst; better in open air Pulsatilla.30X, 4 hourly

Hyperacidity; sour and bitter belchings Iris V 30X, 4 hourly

Slow and imperfect digestion; offensive flatuence in upper part of abdomen; better after discharge of gas or eructations. Carbo Veg.30X, 4 hourly

Gastric derangement due to sedentary habits or over-Eating/Drinking. Nux Vomica.30X, 4 hourly

Dyspepsia; better after eating Anacardium Or 30X 4 hourly

Acidity with irritating eructation and frontal headache; worse in night. Robinia 30X, 4 hourly

Constant belching; tongue thickly white coated.
Heatburn. Desire for acids, pickles etc. Antim Crud.30X or 200X, 6 hourly

Digestion slow, no change after passing flatus or belching. Flatulence affects middle part of the abdomen. China 6X or 30X, 4 hourly

Abdomen bloated; easy satiety, gas affects lower part of the abdomen; worse in the evening - 4 to 8 P.M. Lycopodium 30X, 4 hourly

Pain and flatulence in stomach, smell of food causes nausea Colchicum 30X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Intercurrent Remedy Psorinum 30X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

Take Care and God Bless You !

If you want to get rid of heartburn, do the following:

avoid acidic or fried foods and red meat.

Take liquorice (if you don't have high blood pressure or a kidney problem), chamomile and in particular cramp bark (Viburnum opulus). Also, nettle, couch grass, corn silk and horsetail (Urtica dioica or urens, Agropyron or Triticum repens, Zea mays and Equisetum arvense) are all high in silica and can strengthen the sphincter into the stomach.

Don't wear clothes that are tight around the waist.

Avoid constipation by chewing thoroughly, exercising, drinking plenty of fluid, avoiding tea and eating wholefoods.

Sit down to eat, don't get up for a while afterwards and don't eat on foot.

Ensure your posture is good. Maybe do Yoga or see an Alexander trainer.

There may be other advice depending on your situation, but that would be most of it.

I don't know what's in the report, but the Hippocratic Oath requires all doctors to give health care free of charge.

Go to the health food store and get aloe vera juice to drink.
In a couple of weeks you should be feeling better.
Drink before your meal not during or for at least one hour after. Chew your food don't gulp it down. it is better to treat the cause not the symptom.

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