Have you encountered anyone who has healed themself of cancer???!

Question: using alternative forms of medicine without chemo or radiation?

Answers: using alternative forms of medicine without chemo or radiation?

There are many CANCER Survived patient's after treatments without surgery who have published their case studies along with the Diagnosis & Treatment reports some are scan soft copies on webpages,

The Creator of Life, Disease also bless the suffering with Cure, one needs to seek and the nature(Creator) answers.


5 The noble couple who survived Cancer travel all around the globe educating people what causes Cancer.
Talk to them to get the shock of your life how modern lifestyle is crippling the natural body

Healing Systems



Unani (English - Malayalam)

More Natural Herb options

No, but I've heard of plenty of people who have died trying just that.
Anybody that tells you that cancer can be cured using "natural" or "alternative" means is a quack.

no but i know many that are healed from chemo and radiation

No, but I've heard of it. I wouldn't count on it, though.

BY Dr. Christie Nolfi, M.D. a Dutch allopathic doctor which
is available at Amazon.com. The problem we do not
encounter anyone amongst us they do not have patience
to go through the grind themselves as there are
allopathic quacks who dissuade such people from following
alternative theraphy.

Added: Look at the audacity of Kalos - he can't even spell
the name of the doctor correctly. Looks like he sees
everything and reads everything with tinted views.
HA HA HA HA HA HE HE HE HE. The paid agent that
he is who confesses to accepting payment through
donations in unmarked currency only, what can you expect.

Regarding SudhakarB's recommendation of Kristine Nolfi [Yes, that's the right spelling]; Here's a quote from the Arnold's Way website:
"Dr. Kristine Nolfi states very bluntly that 'breast cancer disappears on a raw food diet'."

Nolfi's prescription for cancer treatment is as follows:
1) Eat raw fruit in the morning and evening
2) Eat raw vegetables for lunch
3) Get lots of sunshine.

Only morons believe this.

Incidentally, though I am neither a paid nor unpaid agent of the Medical Establishment, I do accept discreet donations to my Swiss Bank Account, or cash in crisp unmarked currency...

Several in my career. 2 were by faith alone. Another by combination of homeopathy and organic foods. Another by chiropractic.

The biggest key to being healed in anything in general... the patient must be fully committed and dedicated to being healed. God gave us the most powerful healing gift, our mind. Sounds odd, but not many people are committed to be healed, even with a fatal disease. They want to be healed, but not committed to it. There's a big difference between the two. It's like saying, I want to be rich. How many actually become rich? You need to fight to achieve your goal, fight with everything you got. Not many are willing to do that.

There is a brilliant book by Brandon Bays called The Journey.......avaialble from Amazon.

An alternative practitioner would never say they can cure anything.

A lot of people die from chemo too remember!!!!!

I can name two off hand, but I dont really know how they did it...

Everyone who didn't get chemo or radiation therapy.

No..and Dr. Kristine (check the spelling on the cover of any the books she has written) Nolfi diagnosed herself with breast cancer without any medical testing (only a conversation with another doctor) and then "cured" herself by eating raw fruits and vegetables. Now she sells books and grape juice to desperate victims of cancer who will grasp at any hope of healing.

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