What are the pros and cons of patchouli?!

Question: What are the positive properties of patchouli oil, and are there and negatives or flat out dangers with it? If so, are they permanent?

Answers: What are the positive properties of patchouli oil, and are there and negatives or flat out dangers with it? If so, are they permanent?

Patchouli is an earthy fragrance that is derived from the Patchouli herb most commonly made into incense or oil.

-it smells absolutely wonderful
-because of its wood-like scent, it is known to be very relaxing
-i've read that it can be used as an anti-depressant because of it's calming aroma.
-it has a very pungent smell that lingers for days
-it has the ability to cover up any other undesired odor
-it is usually very cheap to buy
-it's very "hippie"-ish

there are no real dangers from using patchouli oil
-it can sometimes be too strong if you don't apply it properly
-it is sometimes labeled a sedative, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.

The pros is it smells wonderful...

I have found that there is a lot of moisture left afterwords,, that may damage items.

like I know or like I care

My favorite scent, besides rose, for over 40 years.

I've worn patchouli oil a lot. There are no dangers as far as I know. The pros? I love the way it smells. The cons? My old roommate told me I smelled like wood chips and ball sweat.

I love the scent.. That is all I know... God bless****

It smells like hippies.

I heard it covers up the smell of burning weeds.

Smells like an old hippie.
Ladies love it .
Men love it.
Mosquitoes hate it.
It will help to mask most unpleasant odors.
Stimulates the love receptors in the brain.( unproven)
Some musicians don't like the smell.

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