Agnus Cactus... Does it work?!

Question: Does it help with balancing hormones? As in a previous question I stated that I suffer with really bad PMS or PMDD.

Answers: Does it help with balancing hormones? As in a previous question I stated that I suffer with really bad PMS or PMDD.

Agnus Castus balances hormones but is more beneficial for regulating the menstrual cycle and can take 6 months for the herb to work efficiently. It is very good for those wanting to get pregnant. 3000mg of Evening Primrose oil and one tablet Vitamin B6 should solve your problems.xx

No but Lophophora williamsii will definitely sort you out...

not really

1* Agnus Castus has been used to try to relieve cyclical breast pain and PMT. There is one scientific paper reporting that one woman who took Agnus Castus ovulated more eggs than would have been expected, so it may act as a stimulant of ovulation. This has yet to be proven. It seems unlikely that the herb would do any harm, but good advice is always to take as little as possible during pregnancy. If Agnus Castus has any beneficial effect, it will be before ovulation, so perhaps taking it only for the first half of your cycle would be the most sensible.

2* It is often not possible to establish and treat the cause of premenstrual syndrome and available drugs often cannot treat the full range of symptoms.

Agnus Cactus is effective in reducing most symptoms, including irritability, mood alteration, anger, headache, and breast fullness. It was also well tolerated and had few side effects, making it a viable therapeutic option in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

3* Infertility affects more couples than you think. Over 15% of couples in the U.S. report difficulties in conceiving. In a third of these cases, it is the man that faces fertility issues; in about another third, it is the woman; in another third, it is both the male and female who require fertility solutions.We can help you have a baby. Find out how. With tens of thousands of couples seeking help in their trying-to-conceive efforts, there

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