What is a good sore throat remedy?!

Question: I have a sore throat and I was wondering what i should take to get rid of it fast, i don't want to be sick for thanksgiving.

Answers: I have a sore throat and I was wondering what i should take to get rid of it fast, i don't want to be sick for thanksgiving.

I grew up doing this, and swear by it...so, my kids do it too...Get a half a lemon, dash some salt, some people use sugar, and lick it, or just suck on it...It gives you the vit c you want, and it also really makes the sore throat go away!

Drink tea with lemon or gargle with warm water mixed with salt.

a spoonful of honey

Hot chamomile or peppermint tea, mmmm. it always soothes my throat when it hurts.

Cut aloe into a strip so you can rub in on the back of your throat. Tastes terrible, but it works.

Take Emergen-C

You can find them at fredmeyers and I'm sure at pretty much any other store carry's vitamin suppliments.

Emergen-C is loaded with Vitamin C. I take the max of 4 a day and my cold or sore throught is gone within a few days.

They may not taste that great but they are pretty easy to just chug down. I found the raspberry to be the most appealing flavor so far.

Also drink lots of water. I would put a slice of orange or lemon in mine for some extra flavor.

Gargle w/ 1/3 peroxide, 1/3 water and 1/3 mouthwash. Do this several times a day.

And have hot lemonade w/ honey in it.

oki it kind of really strong but it works so well...you take a glass and get the juice from lemon like a lot and add green lemon juice in it to and it has to be fresh fruit not bottle ones.then add 4 table spoons of salt in it then mix it and add two table spoons of water. then mix it up and put a litle bit in you mouth and gurgle it or watever it's called just like you would with mouthwash and spit it out after counting for 10 seconds, but try not to go over your teeth cause it makes them like dry or weird or watever and keep on doing that till your throat is clered up.

Whiskey, its not called grandpa old cough medicine for nothing.

If the lack of money is a situation? Regular Tea & Honey..No sugar; cream if you want?
If you can spare $2 -3.00, Ricola Cough Drops work GREAT! natural herbs....
Thirdly, Ice Cream to sooth the pain of swallowing....
Note* Use these three methods that will help!

there are a lot of ways to get rid of sore throat...in my family...we use warm honey in milk...drink it...then gush down with lukewarm water....if this doesn't work...we go to the local med store..and we but this tablet called strepsils..if you can't find it there...try not eating too much chocolate, and lay off the cold things in your refrigerator/freezer.

Watermelon if it is available. Also gargle with salt water.

I have found that gargling warm salty water every couple of hours works, along with the use of throat lozengers.

But your sore throat could be coming from a sinus infection, throat infection etc, and this too would need to be treated in some way to stop the sore throat constantly coming back.

Hot tea and lemon and honey mixed

1/2 a cup boiled milk with half teaspoon of turmeric powder, salt and a little butter. Sounds gross but doesn't taste bad. Butter soothes the irritation in the throat while turmeric and salt work on the infection. Milk is just some added calcium. Don't eat or drink anything after this for sometime. Take this last thing in the night so that it can work while you are sleeping. Get well soon!

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