Ibs needhelp?!

Question: IBS is a illness that has many factors/contributors. Stress is probably the biggest cause of ISB, therefore helping to reduce stress is a great treatment. Diet can also play a big role in its pathogenicity. I just graduated as a Naturopathic Doctor and during my last year of internship I treated quite a few patients with IBS. I found that the best treatments are dietary changes (cut out allergenic foods - like gluten, dairy, red meat, processed foods etc.), probiotics (when the body is ready for them because they can actually be aggravating at certain times - need to reduce inflammation first), certain herbs and acupuncture. I would suggest going to see a Registered Naturopathic Doctor in your area that can take your full case, do necessary blood work, full physical exam and then give you effective treatment options. IBS can definitely be treated through natural means and taking medication seems to only aggravate the problem.

Answers: IBS is a illness that has many factors/contributors. Stress is probably the biggest cause of ISB, therefore helping to reduce stress is a great treatment. Diet can also play a big role in its pathogenicity. I just graduated as a Naturopathic Doctor and during my last year of internship I treated quite a few patients with IBS. I found that the best treatments are dietary changes (cut out allergenic foods - like gluten, dairy, red meat, processed foods etc.), probiotics (when the body is ready for them because they can actually be aggravating at certain times - need to reduce inflammation first), certain herbs and acupuncture. I would suggest going to see a Registered Naturopathic Doctor in your area that can take your full case, do necessary blood work, full physical exam and then give you effective treatment options. IBS can definitely be treated through natural means and taking medication seems to only aggravate the problem.

Where do you live...in Canada just search the CAND website and in the states look under AANP for registered Naturopathic Doctors! Report It

Other Answers (2)

  • Magician's Avatar by Magician
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  • The following points are what I have understood from personal treatment and literature reading for IBS. IBS can be related to ineffective digestion, candida infection, food allergies and stress. The human bowel has it's own 'brain' so to speak, which is separate from the one in our head.

    Try not to become dependent on drugs which block natural rhythm and seek a natural alternative where possible. Sites below should be of guidance in partnership with your health care professional.

    I'm surprised there hasn't been more information on here yet. The best thing that helps most people with IBS are digestive aids such as Probiotics and/or Enzymes, primarily depending on how bad the IBS is.
    Most of the people I talk to that mention IBS prefer either a good probiotic complex or a simple Acidophilus, so I'd say give one of those a try. Good luck!

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