What is the natural sleep aid in turkey???!

Question: That chemical compound that renders me barely able to get from the table to my recliner without stopping for a nap along the way?

Answers: That chemical compound that renders me barely able to get from the table to my recliner without stopping for a nap along the way?

Amino acid called Tryptophan

tryptophan (spelling)

Its called HUM HUM Good I all ways eat to much. Move over Myrtle give spike room too. OOOOOHH I cant believe I ate the ______ ?

Other posters have suggested tryptophan, and they may be right - but it could also be to do with the size of the meal. After a big feast, it takes a lot of digestion so the body diverts the blood supply to get working on it. That means less available energy for other areas, so you feel tired and all you want to do is sleep it off. Perfectly natural.


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