What is the best otc bone and joint repair medication?!

Question: I have a grandfather with serious arthritis in his knees and it's getting really hard for him to walk. He wants to know which is the best bone and joint medicine out there that you can get over the counter.

Answers: I have a grandfather with serious arthritis in his knees and it's getting really hard for him to walk. He wants to know which is the best bone and joint medicine out there that you can get over the counter.

MSM and glucosomine. Also, my Mother, while waiting for a hip replacement, used Devils Claw, which is an herbal remedy available at any drug store. She stated after about one month, her pain levels did reduce.

Of course, with any OTC, make sure they don;t react with any medications your Grandfather may already be taking. Best to ask a pharmacist or his Physician to be sure.

Good luck!

A glucosamine supplement can work wonders, but I don't think there is anything that can truly repair the joint. Also, motrin for the pain if he is not allergic. He should speak to his doc cause there are some prescription meds out there that can really help.

Drinkables Liquid Glucosamine Chondroitin works wonders. You only drink a cap full a day. You can get a month's supply for $20 at a CostCo or Sam's Club

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