What is a way to soothe a sore throat?!

Question: I have a sore throat, please help!!

Answers: I have a sore throat, please help!!

this tastes crappy, but it works.

One glass warm water as hot as you can stand it, but not to burn your mouth (16 0z)

1 TBS honey
2 TBS vinegar
1tsp salt

mix well

gargle every mouthful, swallow
repeat the whole glass full
The water hydrates, and eases swallowing.
Honey soothes the throat
Salt and vinegar kill germs, and honey and vinegar gives good bacteria in the gut

My coworkers tell me gargling with salt water helps. I haven't tried it. I usually go for ice cream to numb it, or those halls breezers are ok, or something like that. Try the salt water and let me know if it works :)

I just bought my husband some Cepacol spray and he says it works great. It was pretty cheap to...like $3 at the grocery store.

Fisherman's Friend

Drink vodka

you can try to gargle with some hydrogen peroxide, it will help a lot

In a cup put 1 tblspn honey,
add 1 tblspn lemon juice, or
ascorbic acid (powdered vit.c)
, and 1 shot good whisky,
or sherry works also, add boiling water. Mix and sip.
this is an old fashioned hot
toddy and usually works.
Or, I can tell you what my
grandma gave me.
Rub my chest with goose
grease. Make a drink of
slo gin and coal oil. Yep, its
a wonder I'm not dead. A
lighted match and I would have been a torch.

Gargle with salt water.
Throat losenges with zinc.
Vicks Cloroseptic spray.
Tylenol for pain.

1) gargle with1/8 tsp or 1/4 tsp baking soda w/warm water. or try 2) Gargle with 8 oz. warm water, 1/8 tsp of baking soda, and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. 3) you can drink this mix (2) too.

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