Got any ideas?!

Question: I have pretty bad shy bladder syndrome, and it drives me insane sometimes. I'm a member of a forum for people with this problem, and I have practiced using public bathrooms with some success, but it still interferes with my life. Although I'm on the road to overcoming it, are there any things I can do in the meantime to make it easier to go? Since I'm not 18 yet and we have rules at my house, I wouldn't be able to see a doctor or take any kind of remedies for this problem, but are there certain mental exercises, foods that help with anxiety, etc. that I could try? (I know people often suggest running water or listening to music, but I've tried those and they don't really do anything...) I appreciate any constructive input, but I'd prefer if people didn't just joke around or give mean answers...
I know I've asked this before, but I keep getting the same two answers; I appreciate that those people care that much, but I'd also like to hear other people's suggestions.

Answers: I have pretty bad shy bladder syndrome, and it drives me insane sometimes. I'm a member of a forum for people with this problem, and I have practiced using public bathrooms with some success, but it still interferes with my life. Although I'm on the road to overcoming it, are there any things I can do in the meantime to make it easier to go? Since I'm not 18 yet and we have rules at my house, I wouldn't be able to see a doctor or take any kind of remedies for this problem, but are there certain mental exercises, foods that help with anxiety, etc. that I could try? (I know people often suggest running water or listening to music, but I've tried those and they don't really do anything...) I appreciate any constructive input, but I'd prefer if people didn't just joke around or give mean answers...
I know I've asked this before, but I keep getting the same two answers; I appreciate that those people care that much, but I'd also like to hear other people's suggestions.

You have not been able to solve this problem, you know why ?
Because our conventional Doctors know nothing about CURING really they don't. All they are good for is inventing fancy names for what they cannot understand and hence cannot cure. And ranting against Homeopathy which is beyond their comprehension. Pity isn't it ?
Now to answer your question and curing you like I always say without any side effects, complications or further problems.
Take this Homeopathic remedy NATRIUM MUR in 30 potency, you will have to take it three times a day, the dosage is three drops of the remedy in just a sip of warm water on an empty stomach i.e atleast half an hour before or after meals. Report back with your progress after three days. Now go and get well as I said.
I was not answering any questions but your plight and the ineffectiveness of our "DOCTORS" compeled me to answer yours. I am a Healer not a salesman of useless chemicals which have no cure and loads of side effects and complications.
I answer peoples questions not to sell them anything but to help them solve their health issues the quickest and without any complications and in telling and advocating the best form of CURING, "Homeopathy cures par excellence." Take the remedy and please let everyone in here know about how it effected you, Yes Natrium Mur is common Table salt (Sodium Chloride) and diluted to what idiots here call it to mere water. Just let everyone know. Has plain water ever worked like this. :o)
The very best of Health to you.

Go with God my friend.
Take Care and God Bless you

In case you are wondering where to buy Homeopathic remedies please check this question for details.;...

Take care

Thank You and Please read about Natrium Mur in detail by clicking the link :- you are on your way to 100% recovery soon as you start taking the remedy.
THe very best of health to you . God bless Report It

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  • Why can't you see a doc??? Are you do for your yearly physical soon? If so then ask your mom to schedule it soon and then talk to your doctor about this.

    I don't know how to respond to this question, but i'll try to give you a straight answer.

    I think that the only way to overcome this problem is to make it a habit of using public restrooms.

    without being able to use remedies or see a doctor, you would have to use mental remedies.

    Some would include:
    Using public restrooms more often
    going to the bathroom at school a lot
    drinking more fluids so that you become desperate (srry didn't mean for it to be a joke)
    and going to the bathroom with your friends so you're more comfortable.

    hope my answer helped

    Unusual question, but I know what you mean.

    I have worked in the cooking industry and they defiantly do not like their employees going to the toilet in front of others. I got told:

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