I have a problem with meth?!

Question: I have a problem with meth and want to quit. The other problem is that no one knows and I dont want to go thru a rehab and have my fam find out what has been going on. Is there anything natural I can do or take at home to help me thru this. I have been doing this for about 3 years daily so I really dont get to high now I think it has even become part of my chemical balance so getting off scares me as to the side affect of the chemical inbalance. I dont need to hear how stupid I am for doing because I know that what I do need is to find help.

Answers: I have a problem with meth and want to quit. The other problem is that no one knows and I dont want to go thru a rehab and have my fam find out what has been going on. Is there anything natural I can do or take at home to help me thru this. I have been doing this for about 3 years daily so I really dont get to high now I think it has even become part of my chemical balance so getting off scares me as to the side affect of the chemical inbalance. I dont need to hear how stupid I am for doing because I know that what I do need is to find help.

Acupuncture has had positive results for treating various forms of addiction. If you're open-minded, check it out. And ignore those who tell you that rehab is the only solution. It's not the only solution. There are many ways to become healthy again -if that's what you truly desire. You have to be determined though.

go to rehab.
they can help you far better than anybody here can.

convince your self if you get a craving eat a mint that is what my aunt did to stop smoking

First, congratulations! I am proud of you for trying to take this step. You are right, it is a tough thing to do. News flash - if you have been using for 3 years - they know. They might not know your poison of choice, but they know that you are using something. Go to in-house treatment and be done with it. It will be tough. You will have to swallow your pride. BUT - going on your own will be a BIG deal to your family and friends. Meth is not like giving up pot... it is MUCH tougher and relapse dangers are real. You can't do it on your own. It is much too dangerous. You CAN do this. Hang in there. You will make it.

Its an uphill battle!! Im glad that you are seeking help.

Honestly, you cant do it by yourself. The drug has affected your brain & way of thinking....somehow you will find yourself weak & want to do it again....you will need to talk to family, they can help, try first by spending time with them... you cant be high around them sp maybe it will help you stop. Your will power alone may not be enough...good luck.

Please find some one in the fam to talk with!!!

I'm not sure this is a drug you can get off without help. There are serious medical side-effects. You need someone you trust and who can support you. the first few days are going to feel like death. You need somebody strong there to keep you strong. You need NA or AA meetings to get support from people who have been there as well. If you do not have a support system you need rehab for one. I think support is the second most important aspect of going clean...number one is desire to be clean.

I applaud u 4 recognizing that you have a problem - and also being saavy enuff to seek help quietly - what i would do is go to a library - on a computer there, search for drug abuse sites similar to AA... (try whitepages.com or some other similar on-line phone book 1st, that is probably the fastest way to pin down some addresses or phone numbers) then, contact former users who are now in recovery/speak to them to see how they overcame their addiction - the best answer is going to come from people who KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE - not "know it all's" or preachy "sob's" - do it fast, and do it NOW, while you have the courage - and, good luck, honestly!!

There really isn't much they'll do pharmaceutically in rehab to help you through detox. However, there are some facilities that will help you by giving you low doses of benzodiazipines (valium, xanax and klonopin). However, what you will get at a rehab is a lot of support, a lot of education and a lot of help in dealing with family and friends during this difficult time. You have the choice of whether or not to involve those you love. No one can tell them anything (including whether or not you're at their facility, what your medical diagnosis is, how their treating your addiction) without your written permission. That means no one will even know you're there unless you want them to.

I'd be happy to give you some more info, some great web sites that might help you and even the names of several rehabs around the country that are wonderful for treating the disease of addiction. Feel free to email me if you'd like some more help.

Good luck to you. I know this is extremely hard, but just the fact that your considering getting clean is a great step forward.

You don't need a detox or a rehab, but you should get a doctor. The crash you're going to experience will be hellish, he can prescribe you something to help.

I quit pharmaceutical amphetamines on my own back in the 70s; I didn't realize that the pills were keeping my depression in check, ended up in a major depression and attempted suicide. Medication would have helped. A doctor will know a lot more than the folks here.

Many doctors now suggest Omega-3 fish oil for clients getting off of speed, crack, and/or alcohol. It promotes brain function.

Many will suggest a 12step group, personally, I think they're a terrible idea. I picked up an alcohol habit during my speed days that took me two decades to quit because they taught me I was powerless and needed them in order to quit. (I didn't know it was impossible to quit on my own, so I just went and did it with speed; with their help I spent 20 years trying to quit drinking.)

Rehabs would not typically give you any medication to help with the discomforts of stopping. You wouldn't die or have a seizure or anything...but since "meth" tends to not be exactly the same thing everywhere, you don't know what different things could be in it. Usually alcohol and benzos are the only detoxes that require medication. (Some places detox from heroin with methadone or suboxone but most don't. They just give meds to specifically deal with the side effects.) The side effects would be pretty much the opposite of what the meth did for you - so you're likely to feel depressed and tired. It's better not to start on anti-depressants until you know what's going on when there are NO meds in your system. Some people do use "speedy" type things because they're depressed; some have undiagnosed ADD and are "self-medicating." Once you're drug free, a doctor can make a better diagnosis and, if you want to try an anti-depressant or a psycho-stimulant - if either is needed - the doctor can prescribe something that may help. (Knowing that the detox symptoms are just temporary may help in advance...and they are just temporary.) Rehab (it doesn't have to be in-patient) can help you figure out how to make the changes in your life that are needed and possibly give you some insight on what you may be avoiding by using drugs. (It's really important to NOT avoid.) You could go to a therapist - if you really don't want your family to know, they don't have to. Lots of people see therapists. But families are often a lot more supportive than people expect them to be. And positive support is really important.

Just stop doing it. If you can't do that by yourself you have to go to rehab.
Good luck. Meth addiction sneaks up on you really quick and I've read of whole families, moms and kids all doing it together and not being able to stop. You will die if you don't stop.
PS: There is an herbal supplement I just tried and liked a lot called Dong Quai which gives you energy and helps with depression. I bought it at a normal supermarket. It may help you get over the "hump". Don't take too much of course! Hope it helps.

Outpatient rehab may be an option for you. This way you will not disappear and it will be easier to be discreet.
You don't need to tell your family & friends where you are at every moment of the day.
On the other hand, meth is one of the most addictive drugs out there. You may be in far deeper than you realize. Once you start to try and quit, you may have to accept that you need much more help and support. Coming clean with your loved ones is part of the rehabilitation process.
Meth users exhibit certain odd behaviors and their physical appearance changes.
You may be surprised to learn that your those close to you already know you are on drugs.

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