What can you expect from a Chinese massage ? What are the benefits ?!

Question: Chinese massage uses knowledge of energy meridians and pressure points to change 'energy flow' in the body. Basic massage techniques are also used to relax muscles, improve circulation, raise energy and assist in toxins removal.

Each meridian (energy circuit) affects different organs or glands in a physiological way. Also different muscles and emotional/mental states are served by these meridians eg 'kidney' meridian relates to 'fear'.

Answers: Chinese massage uses knowledge of energy meridians and pressure points to change 'energy flow' in the body. Basic massage techniques are also used to relax muscles, improve circulation, raise energy and assist in toxins removal.

Each meridian (energy circuit) affects different organs or glands in a physiological way. Also different muscles and emotional/mental states are served by these meridians eg 'kidney' meridian relates to 'fear'.

The main benefit is the happy ending.

Chinese take on massage is to help channel energy (Qi) and they'll massage certain areas for the purpose of increasing circulation of Qi and clear stagnations of Qi. Does it work? Hard to say, but my humble opinion... if it feels good for you, then it's a good massage.

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