What is a good laxitive?!

Question: exlax and you dont need to take one unless you really need one

Answers: exlax and you dont need to take one unless you really need one

expresso, cod liver oil, or over the counter

castor oil

For a natural remedy, raw garlic....chop some up in your salad......also drink lots of water.

They are all pretty much the same. They make you crap.

Eat fruits with high fiber.

eat a pear

Prune juice.
Flax seeds ground up.
Fruits and vegetables.
Castor oil.

Prunes (steam or boil); prune juice

Yes, prunes and prune juice definitely. Also a glass of hot water with lemon juice first thing in the morning. Oats for breakfast sprinkled with linseed.

Prune juice.

Vital Zyme X, take 2 three times a day and wallah.... You poop like a kid again. No kidding.

One that makes you poo.

walking and drinking coffee.
if you must senna tea. or herbal sliming tea.
be prepared to be miserable.
on the verge of death on your bathroom

Many OTC laxatives contain the same ingredients, so one is not really any better than the other. Castor oil works....very well. You can always try the stool softeners. They're not like laxatives, they just make things a little "smoother" for you.

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