What is the best natural monopause supplements?!

Question: I am on the combi-patch and am taking extra estrogen (because of a bleeding problem). I really feel bad and am gaining weight in my middle, which is depressing me bad. cant wear any of my pants. I understand natural HRT doesn't cause the side affects. Please help

Answers: I am on the combi-patch and am taking extra estrogen (because of a bleeding problem). I really feel bad and am gaining weight in my middle, which is depressing me bad. cant wear any of my pants. I understand natural HRT doesn't cause the side affects. Please help

Oldtimekid gave you the internal supplements. Vitex is the best. I would add licorice and ginseng. (You can buy these in combinations. One of them is Herbs Etc.'s Menopautonic.) Make sure the herbs are EXTRACTS and not just powdered herbs. Black Cohosh is practically worthless if it is not an extract.

For the "bleeding problem" get a progesterone cream (FemCreme by Pure Essence is one). Make sure the label says "USP progesterone" and the dose is 24mg. Use it 21 days out of every 28. If the break-through bleeding is really heavy, you can stop it with Shepherd's Purse extract.

Be patient. First your body has to get rid of the stuff you've been taking. You should feel better in about 30 days.

If you still have trouble with mood swings, try taking extra Boron. This mineral does wonders for hormone balance.

Join an exercise group. The thickening middle can happen with hormone fluctuation even if you don't use HRT.

Black Cohosh, Soy (as in; soy milk or soy beans).

There are actually quite a few. There's Black Cohosh, Chasteberry (also called Vitex), Dong Quai, and Omega-6 fatty acids like those in Borage Oil or Evening Primrose Oil.

There are also some phytoestrogens (plant hormones) that may effect your hormones, but a nutritionist or holistic doctor would be the best to ask what would be the best type (as different people have different responses to different supplements).

I took soy tablets when I was going through the menopause. I had been having hot flushes but these stopped when I started taking soy. I wouldn't recommend anything else as not enough research has been done on other natural remedies.
You will gain weight as you become menopausal, particularly around the middle, and it is hard to get rid of. Just follow a good diet and make sure you get plenty of exercise, and don't stress about not looking like a 25 year-old because it isn't possible or necessary. Menopause is a normal and natural part of every womans life.

You ask what are the best natural menophase supplements.

OldtimeKid responds: "Black Cohosh, Chasteberry (also called Vitex), Dong Quai, and Omega-6 fatty acids like those in Borage Oil or Evening Primrose Oil".

A simple review of NIH/NACAM Herb Evaluations shows even the Altmed-friendly NIH/NACAM show no support for any of Oltimekid's recommendations. At best, Black Cohosh may reduce sweating. That's about it.

In place of HRT you can use a bio-identical hormone cream. I purchase mine from www.askdrhelen.com

The cream comes from the wild yam. If you go to the website it has a questionaire you can fill out to determine which cream would suit you best. If you have hot flashes they have a cream that also contains red clover to help with that.

Dr. Helen is located out of Newport Beach, California and she has been studying womens health for years. I have used this product over a year and an quite happy with it as I refuse to do conventional HRT. Also, if you have any questions you can email Dr. Nancy and they will respond to you. The jar of cream cost $15.00 and you only use 1/4 tsp. twice a day. One jar last a long time so you aren't spending to much.

Check out her website and read through her literature. I'm sure you will find it a great alternative.

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