Whats your cure for a hangover?!

Question: Technically I'm still kinda drunk.

Answers: Technically I'm still kinda drunk.

To rehydrate yourself, drink Powerade or Gatorade, or water if neither is available. Take a multivitamin and headache medicine, then eat something. Meats, cheeses, and breads are good for absorbing extra alcohol still in the system.

Take a nap if you need.

greasy greasy food lol try a fry up

drink a bottle of beer, then take a hot bath...

My advice (which could be just a bit too late now for u...) would be to drink water in-between your drinks. It clears away some of the toxins in alcohol, which therefore limits the possibility of a hangover!

Try & remember it next time u party!

keep drinking beer n go nite nite

At least a liter of ice cold fruit drink like Gatorade or Hawaiian Punch, in a dark room, with some Vitamin C tablets and a fistful of Aspirin.

I just don't drink the night before....

Chug a bottle of Gatorade. My ex-boyfriend was a bit of a lush and swears by it. Get some food in your stomach (lots of carbs and grease).

A Strawberry-Banana Smoothie or a Strawberry-Banana Protein Shake is an excellent cure for a hangover.

Gatorade, bananas, milk thistle (herb pills, you can buy them anywhere, not just a health food store). The first two replenish your lost nutrients and the last cleans your liver.

plenty fluids and greasy food. Better still, don't drink. best cure ever.

Perhaps a search for "hangover cures" might be of interest.

Eat Eggs... the amino acids are supposed to break down the toxins in your stomach

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