Home remedy foot soak?!

Question: It's summer where I live and that means I tend to walk around barefoot which makes the skin on my heels and the balls of my feet quite hard and tough and doesn't look good when I wear sandals. Does anyone know of a home recipe foot soak which will soften and/or cleanse my skin?? Thanks :)

Answers: It's summer where I live and that means I tend to walk around barefoot which makes the skin on my heels and the balls of my feet quite hard and tough and doesn't look good when I wear sandals. Does anyone know of a home recipe foot soak which will soften and/or cleanse my skin?? Thanks :)

yeah get some epsome salt and put it in a bucket and sock your feet for about 30 min. - 1hr. hope i could help!

Epsom Salts are the best. I use them for a good relaxing bath

Heat some peanut butter up so that it's nice and warm. Spread it all over your two feet. Then wrap your peanut-buttered feet up in plastic wrap and ziplock baggies, and sit for at least 30 minutes. Scrub off the peanut butter with a washcloth and warm water. Works!!

just soak them in epsom salt hot water for 45 min..then lubriderm good stuff....cost about7.00....then after that rub pure Vaseline all over you feet heavy..do this everyday for the rest of your life.....cuz if you walk everyday you need to do this everyday................walking no shoes i very bad on your feet..i seen this on tv..if your diabetic you have to wear shoes all the time...you get sores on your feet...there are other ways to do your feet,,i seen this on tv............( P.S. ) AFTER YOU PUT THE VASOLINE ON YOUR FEET PUT A HEAVY PAIR OF SOCKS EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO BUY A SPECIAL PAIR.......................GOOD LUCK TO YOU

Try a foot file you can buy at the Body Shop and similar places to file down the rough spots. If you can't find one in the store, coarse sandpaper will also work. That may do better than just to soak the thick, rough skin, because once it's that thick, the outer layer is all dead cells and won't ever soften much no matter what you rub on it.

Or alternately, strange as it may sound, ditch the sandals altogether. I'm always barefoot, and I mean *always*, fulltime and year round, and while my feet are very tough and leathery they're not hard or rough at all. Discussing the problem of rough skin and cracks on a list with many barefooters it seemed that part of the difference was individual, depending on skin type, climate, etc, but also those who walked barefoot part time had more trouble with hard, cracking skin than those who walked barefoot always. The skin gets worn down naturally if you're always barefoot, while if you're wearing footwear part of the time the skin has too much time when it will grow thicker (because of all the stimulation it gets when walking barefoot -the growth process doesn't stop instantly when you put on sandals for a few hours) but doesn't wear down (because that of course *does* stop the moment you've put on footwear).

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