I took one capsule of 5-HTP earlier today as a dietary supplement and I immediately felt really, well, good?!

Question: If you've ever taken Vicodin, it was a similar feeling of calm and happiness, but at one point I was racing around my kitchen singing songs to myself (luckily no one was home). At first, I thought the relaxation was a placebo effect because I "expected" my general malaise and depression to be repealed by the supplement, but my hypomanic episode, followed by this very "blah" feeling makes me think otherwise. I did some research and found nothing about "adverse" hallucinogenic or psychological affects that are often attributed to narcotics and other drugs ... does anyone have any information or similar experiences?

Answers: If you've ever taken Vicodin, it was a similar feeling of calm and happiness, but at one point I was racing around my kitchen singing songs to myself (luckily no one was home). At first, I thought the relaxation was a placebo effect because I "expected" my general malaise and depression to be repealed by the supplement, but my hypomanic episode, followed by this very "blah" feeling makes me think otherwise. I did some research and found nothing about "adverse" hallucinogenic or psychological affects that are often attributed to narcotics and other drugs ... does anyone have any information or similar experiences?

Actually.... no. I've never heard of a response like that before. In and of itself, 5-HTP is actually supposed to relax you and help you sleep, but it takes at least 10-15 minutes to have any of that effect (because it takes time to digest the capsule and get into your system). If you had that effect within 5 minutes, it was mental suggestion because the gelatin wouldn't have dissolved and the 5-HTP gotten absorbed into your body that quickly.

5-HTP is interesting because if you take it at night it helps a person to sleep (by increasing calmness). But taken during the day, it doesn't makes a person sleepy at all.

It does increase seratonin levels, which helps to elevate one's mood

I call it "the happy pill" because that's how it makes me feel.

The best to you.


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