Can a vitamin make you throw up?!

Question: I recently bought a bottle of the Women's One-a-Day vitamins. Sunday morning I woke up and took one, but threw up about 45 minutes later. Is it possible that because I took it on an empty stomach, it could have made me throw up?

Answers: I recently bought a bottle of the Women's One-a-Day vitamins. Sunday morning I woke up and took one, but threw up about 45 minutes later. Is it possible that because I took it on an empty stomach, it could have made me throw up?

If it is a phyto-based vitamin is should not make you throw up, at least from an ingredient standpoint, though have known some who throw up due to the gag reflex while taking.

The reaction on an empty stomach smacks of a lower quality vitamin or one taken with something it did not like. A good vitamin should go down like food, it should be food at its core ingredient level.

yes i use to take them when i was in high school. if taken on an empty belly it can make you sick
eat something with you vits.. or take them at dinner time same time will be best

yes, especially with too much iron....

Yes, someone people are more sensitive to the effects that vitamins can have on the digestive system. Vitamins should be taken with food for 2 reasons. The main reason is that when taken with food it actually helps with absorption. The other reason is to make sure that if you are sensitive that it does not cause you to vomit. I have also found that a poorer quality multi-vitamin for some people actually makes the problem worse. I actually use a liquid vitamin called Intramax. This multi-vitamin is 100% organic vitamin and mineral supplement. I found thru my own personal research that liquid multi-vitamins are more readily absorbed than a tablet. The other difference is the quality of the ingredients that are used in the Intramax.

Yes. I have had that happen several times

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